Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lessons learned from a purse stolen....

It's Wednesday, April 27....last Wednesday daytime, I arrived in LA for a week long visit with my friend.  To celebrate her "divisible-by-5" birthday.  Little did we know that this would be a memorable birthday in more ways than either of us would imagine.

That Wednesday night....her purse was stolen from the back of her chair, while she, her 2 friends, and I were at a wine bar.  We were sitting a a small, round, high-top table in a small wine bar.  The place was not very crowded.  We had a fabulous time.  None of us saw anything we were stunned to find her purse missing when we got up to leave several hours later. was an emotional and exhausting 12 to 24 she had 'everything' in her purse.  We were both glad that I was staying with help her with the 'after' of such a traumatic and stressful set of circumstances.

We got a lot done in 12-24 hours.  So we felt better as each stop-gap was placed.  And all in time to en-joy a planned outing on Friday night to a performance by her friend Kristin Korb (an amazing jazz bassist and singer) at a cozy, house concert hosted by Alan Goldman.

And lessons I learned from this experience....
--Be sure your AND your girlfriends' purses are safe from being taken when in a public place--no matter how nice and safe the place looks, feels, etc, etc.

--Carry in your purse ONLY the credit cards, ATM cards, etc. necessary for the outing.  Her 'everything' included checkbook, social security card, car registration, besides credit cards and ATM cards.

I am in LAX now awaiting my flight home.  I just finished looking at what is in my wallet.  And there are two different ATM cards I do not need to carry with me at all times given how I use them.  Same with a PayPal secure ID.  So when I arrive home, I plan to travel outside my home with.....only items necessary for that outing.  Makes me think of what I read in Marie Kondo's book....she arrives home, un-packs her purse, thanks everything for a wonderful day, put all the items away.  Next day, she starts a-new.  I shall see how this change in my habit and routine works.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

phone calls....

April 10 and been "meaning to" call this person or that person to say hi, catch-up, etc, etc.  And somehow the day goes by and there I am at the end of my day...the call did not happen.

"Not today" I say as I look out the window as I type.  Off I go to make some phone calls :-)

First let's have adventure bread wrapped in lettuce:

Starting with the A's in my contact list organized by first names.  Interesting how I look at the first name and realize I have not talked to or seen that person in many moons.  Or who is that person?  Guess I need to clean out my contact list :-) was a great day.  I left a voicemail for A in Dallas.  And talked to A (who goes by his middle name J) "across the pond".  Then I totally skipped to L's because I had been meaning to talk to L after a mutual friend gave me news that L was going through her last round of chemotherapy.

I will keep them in my prayers.  Sending them love, Light and well-being.  Trusting each will take awesome good self-care.  J is dealing with aging in-laws with health situations that require constant care.  L with the aftermath of chemo.

It was difficult and hard for me to lose my folks in the same year.  And as time went on, I realized they spared me from dealing with parents aging and losing their mobility and faculties.  I see that as I watch those (much older than I) age.  And spared me from the aftermath of several rounds of chemotherapy (in the case of my mom).  My folks left this earth before each of them could no longer en-joy their life.  I am happy for them.  And for those whom they left behind.

Now, after several hours with telephone talking and shopping at the farmers market, I walk over to Chinatown.

Time to FINALLY get to the exhibit Chinatown Pretty on Ross Alley in Chinatown.  'Meaning to' see a number of exhibits....and manage to miss them...until now :-)

Clothing definitely reminds me of my mother :-)

As I make my way back home, I decide to check out the pop-up Chao Mien at Naked Lunch.  Been "meaning to" check it out (and I think it's been a pop-up for 2 years??).  Today's the day.  The spring rolls were tasty and filling.

And I can't remember the last time I had shrimp chips!

Miss Txoko (which was this place before it shifted menu and name to Naked Lunch).  Happy that the shift was good for the owners.  I miss the food from Txoko.  Oh well, change happens.

Another new place is Tamarind Hall, so I decided to have a drink and nosh here as well.

The egg rolls were tasty and unusual as they were filled with baked taro.

My view from Taramind Hall.

Yet another great day of celebration!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

photos only - dinner at Aziza - 9 April 2016

Thank you J, C, G, A, and T for a delicious birthday dinner out at Aziza!
Company was great as usual!
Food was pretty to look at and delicious to eat!
Atmosphere was awesome!
Yes, we started with dessert first :-)