Thursday, July 24, 2014

What A Day...Part 2

It's Tuesday, 22 July at night...reflecting...

I thought yesterday was tiring!

Well's a packed day starting niece loaded her car trunk with items to take to the Kids Exchange that she is selling.  The Exchange happens this Friday through Sunday, in Raleigh at the fairgrounds.

Once there, we had to find where to place the items.  I can only imagine this place filled with buyers when the sale starts on Friday!

And this is just one of two buildings!!

Next...pick up the five year old at day care!  I love that my niece and her husband have both kids in a Spanish speaking only daycare.  The kids love the daycare.  And their teachers!

Then onto Michael's for miniature dinosaurs for an activity at the daycare.  For each child to make dinosaur fossil.  We looked the other day at Walmart - nothing.  Dollar Tree - zip.  Michael's was also nada!  And my niece saw this sand that never dries out and was on sale -- for her kids!

Onward ho to the teacher's store ISO of cheap miniature dinosaurs!  EUREKA!  No picture...yet! :-)

Next stop Costco.  I have a card.  My niece does not so it's a-shopping we go!

And she found raincoats for the two kids!  The kids unfortunately would not let me take a photo :-| when tried them on at home :-|

And a Ninja Turtle sweatshirt for the five year old. Cute!

Then back to daycare to pickup the three year old.  All were outside playing.

And you know me and the word 'Nina' en espaƱol!

Mission Accomplished:  stay away from home most of the day, to allow my niece's husband peace, quiet, sleep since he leaves for work at 5 PM.

Three year old models her two new used sweatshirts.  She is such a cutie!  My niece is part of a community buy-sell group on Facebook. Buyer leaves items on porch.  Seller leaves money under the doormat or in the mailbox.  All on the honor system!  What a fab idea!  Love it!

My sister cooks dinner!  Yummmmmm...stuffed bitter melon!

While the kids entertain me :-) with their poses :-). 

Or ask me thoughtful questions :-)

Or cause me to laugh!

YUP ... HUGE kudos to all parents of young children! To work AND care for young children is challenging at all levels!  Thank you Sara and Doug for the experience of seeing what your life of a family of four is like on a day-to-day!  Much appreciated!  I Love All Of You...even when the kids are have meltdowns :-)

P.S.  I slept 12 hours that night :-)

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