Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Untethered Soul

Sunday, 13 July 2014 and moving through 3 hours of jet lag.

Brought two books with me ... The Untethered Soul and Fierce Conversations ... aimin' at one chapter a day.

Feels great to be on holiday!  Hoping holidaying will ease the inflammation in my left wrist.  And the ache in the left shoulder muscles.  And the pain when I move my left forearm.  And have me observe the mental chatter within versus get drawn into it.

Realizing as I sat on the plane yesterday THAT is what has tired me out over the past weeks -- THAT being...allowing all those inner voices with their incessant chatting to pull me into their conversation.  The inflammation and pain can also take a lot out of a person.

YUP ... time for a long holiday!  And what better place to start hot, humid, lazy weather of the South!

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