Monday, October 29, 2012

Martes 23 Octobre 2012 -- Calzadilla de Los Hermanillos to Mansilla de las Mulas

Well...this is my longest walk thus far...24.5 km!

With most of it through level landscape and no towns to stop in! Translation: I carry water and provisions! Nothing new for me :-). Although carrying 2 liters of water makes the 9 kg backpack become 11 kg :-)

Usually I walk alone...with other pelegrinos ahead or behind. And none that I have met along Camino. This Camino friends Rochelle, Doug, Jill were either ahead or behind me! So that was fun!

And had a fabulous treat! As I came to a 'cruce' and was looking for the way marker, I saw this group of pelegrinos sitting have food. I did not see a way marker so was just about to ask the group 'which way?' when I saw that they were sitting in front of the way marker which pointed to the path to the left of the 'cruce'. I started down the path and as I walked past I said hello and told them what had been going through my mind about looking fit the way marker. They all asked if I had eaten as they had lots of food to share. I declined and they asked if I was sure. Then I decided 'ok'. And as I pulled off my pack and sat down, one asked did I want bread? And what did I want on my sandwich? Jamon? Cheese? Apple? Sardines?

And what a great lunch I had with this group! I thought what can I share--voila half of a Sharfenberger dark chocolate bar. Gladly accepted. And spritzes to everyone's hands from my mini spray bottle filled with a few drops of Purification and Thieves essential oil blends mixed with water! My version of hand sanitizer! Gladly accepted and all commented how nice the smell! I was grateful to have these simple things to share!

Then we each packed up including our trash and walked on!

As it turned out, I met up with this group again that night at the albergue! Synchronistic since the town (Mansilla de las Mulas) had several albergues to chose from to stay. AND I asked who wanted to join in to cook and share dinner as it was about 4 when I arrived along with Rochelle. Next thing we knew the veggies I chopped up along with uncooked rice left behind became with other additions like chicken and peppers -- paella! PS--Pays to have a sharp Swiss Army knife otherwise I'd still be chopping those veggies :-)

Another treat! Thank you Source!

Yet another treat--an on-site massage therapist! Carlos was great -- he gave up his job in finances to study massage therapy and now set up a donation-only practice at this albergue! Lucky for me as my entire body needed it! And another treat--he ended the session with sound therapy . A Tibetan bowl is sounded and then placed on the body in each chakra space! Awesome!

I left there and went to join the communal dinner of paella and salad and vino! They had saved me a plate!

Fabulous-o day! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halfway to Santiago -- Sunday, 21 Octobre 2012

Had to laugh as I sat in the entry area of the Casa Rural part of Boadilla accomodations--here sat four of us not interacting with each other around the circular table...instead each was interacting with our phone. Journaling, blogging And emailing...yes, you guessed it...there was Wi-Fi :-)

Meanwhile...Domingo...21 Octobre 2012...I walked through Terradillos de Los Templarios on my way from Calzadilla de la Cueza to Sahagun. Terradillos marks the halfway point between Saint Jean Pied de Port and Santiago!


A journey of a thousand miles or in this case 789.1 km, begins with one step! How true this Lao Tzu saying is for Camino!

PS Added to Post called 18 Octobre 2012 Boadilla

Thursday, October 18, 2012

18 Octobre 2012 -- Boadilla del Camino

I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and then lay awake listening to the albergue sounds -- people in one room sleeping -- turning in their beds, snoring (different sound levels).

Lessons of my Camino and synchronicities came to mind...

Lessons...adjust...recalibrate as things happen! I remember as I walked after Roncesvalles--my toenail was rubbing against the hiking boot. I said let's wait and I'll cut you tonight. Yet it kept saying stop NOW. So I finally did in the middle of the forest! AND very glad I listened because 30 minutes later I was walking up and down and the toe was very happy!

Lesson...follow your own pace and body. Even if it means others pass you! Or your amigos del Camino walk faster or further than you!

Lesson...sometimes the path everyone follows is full of rocks so find the soft spots :-)

Synchronicities...When all I could see for miles ahead and behind me was open fields AND no other pelegrinos--I wondered--am I on the right path? Just as I thought if turning around, a voice said No, continue! And 15 minutes later, there was a way marker! Thank You Source! I walked about Burgos where the temp was 9 celsius and it was overcast. And I had all my clothes on except one layer and is Cold--do I need to find another layer for the coming days? Yet where in Burgos? As I walked down the street next to the beautiful cathedral, I saw this shop with bags outside. As all know--I love recyclable bags--so I decided to go into the shop. Viola--the shop was a mix of all sorts of things and there was a thermal shirt and leggings! Debated and decided not to get yet thought how synchronicistic to find this after thinking for the past hour! Later I came back and bought the thermal shirt! The leggings would be great yet I have enough layers for my legs :-). Must remember whatever I buy, I must carry :-)

Now 17:46 and tucked into (as Tom would say) a welcoming and homey albergue En El Camino in Boadilla. Walked 20 km today--wanted to walk 6 km more to Fromista, yet the body said 1 km before I arrived in Boadilla--please be open as this albergue is open from April to October!

Thank you Source! The albergue is open! And so welcoming! So homey!

All Good! All works out!

Life is a journey, not a destination is a blessing ring I wear and this fits El Camino! I intend to reach Finisterre yet the Camino is where each of us is at any moment in time--student, teacher, master, healer, model. As each of us is in Life!

Buen Camino!

PS...This albergue is on my top list...first in terms of being welcoming. After walked 20 km in rain and chill, it was so great to have Eduardo take me and two others checking in at the same the albergue (as we were in the Casa rural across from the albergue) and tell us to relax and he would take payment & stamp our credential later. Dinner would be at 7 pm.

And Begoña (his mother) cooked the best meal I've had on Camino! Tasty, very flavorful soups--lentil and white bean. Both soups were fab on a cold rainy night! And I choose beef stew which was tasty as well with a side salad! Then we had flan for dessert! So light! And lots of vino! I crawled into bed about 10 (well past my normal bedtime yet feeling full and loved by this great family)! They opened this albergue 17 years ago!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weather Challenge :-) 17 Octobre 2012 -- Hornillas

OK...I woke up this morning (17 Octobre 2012) and thought...let's just sleep in today and not walk even though the body is fine!

And Source and Gaia gave me a WOW!!

A beautiful rainbow in the distance as I started walking to my next destination. And BIG WOW...with the view of a complete rainbow! So that was my sign to continue on Camino.

And then hours later...first a light mist! That later turned into rain about 4 km from my destination--Castrojeriz!

This is where the right gear is worth every cent paid! Trail raincoat from LLBean kept me dry! Two warm layers kept my core warm from the chill of the rain! Waterproof Keen hiking boots kept my feet nice and warm and dry! Tyvek kept the things inside my backpack nice and dry! Polartec Buff kept my head, ears, and forehead dry and warm (Thank you Glenn!)! Scarf kept my neck warm and dry! Pants bottoms were soaked yet most of me warm and dry :-)

Now it's 2 hours (17:00) since I checked into the municipal albergue! All my stuff is hanging up to dry while I head out to find something to eat in a country that has lunch at 14:00 and dinner at 21:00. Lucky for me--steaming hot bean soup and Rioja were found at 16:00!

Definitely walking Camino is NOT for the faint of heart be that heart of physical, emotional, spiritual, mental!

The long stretches where either sun, rain, mud, no people, wind, hot, cold show up...certainly allow me the time to notice my thoughts! Am I cranky, judgemental, noncranky, nonjudgmental, present, happy, lost, etc? What am I thinking? Most of the time I'm noticing the path and shifting to the soft parts. And since I walk slow, noticing the beautiful scenery! forecast is rain, rain for the next three days so I was thinking I wish I had some rain pants as I walked back to the albergue in the rain...there are not a lot of stores here. Yet what is right next door to the albergue? This place selling all sorts of camping and hiking gear! Voila, I now have rain pants. And I think I made the owner's day! He hugged me goodbye and gave me a cross!

All Good!
Buen Camino!

Hornillos del Camino, 16 Octobre 2012

Well it's 16:00, martes, 16 octobre 2012, and have checked into a Casa Rural in Hornillos del Camino after walking 21 km across the Meseta today from Burgos.

As I walked into town, it was like old home week as I saw 4 familiar faces outside la tienda del alimentation. They proceeded to tell me that the munipical albergue was rumored to have a bedbug issue so they were going on another 6 km.

I instead checked into the Casa Rural (Hostal de sol a sol) located directly across from la tienda del alimentation, because the body said that's it for today :-). 6 km does not sound like a lot yet the weather while great is also windy. Thank you Source today for cool temps, filtered sun, and wind! The rain came last night and for the first 30 minutes of walking :-)

I heard about 30 minutes later at the bar that the next albergue is closed for the season. Translation--11 km to the next albergue NOT 6 km :-|

So I am very happy I checked into the Casa Rural even though it's 35 euros not the usual 5 to 10 euros :-) for the municipal or private albergues :-)

Definitely one must love to walk to go on Camino! And be attached to taking one's own pace! And listen to the body & intuition!

Buen Camino!

501 km to go

It's 19:34, domingo, 14 octobre 2012. And I'm in Burgos.

WEO...I have walked 289 km since I departed St Jean Pied de Port around 9:30, sabado, 22 Septiembre 2012. Today is day 23!

The backpack is feeling lighter--due to me taking my vitamins daily :-) better in me than carrying them :-)

Tomorrow I will stay in a hotel to give myself a rest day! And explore the city! Especially the cathedral.

Buen Camino!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Octobre

Well 10 Octobre is a day for me to remember. In 2007, on that day I told my boss I would take a sick day the next day to go see my doctor. To address my extreme fatigue that was there in the morning after 8+ hours of sleep. That had been with me for the past several months. That was limiting my daily activities to work, eat, sleep. I did not know at that time, that it would be the last day of work for me. And the next day would be the beginning of the next chapter of my life's journey! That was 2007! Here I am in 2012 and as I walked a few days ago, I realized that this October is the same layout as the October of 2007.

No surprise on the synchronicity of all this :-) Every pelegrino walks El Camino for various reasons. For me...when the idea came to me in mid-May out-of-the-blue, I figured if not now, then when?

In the weeks before I began El Camino, I felt I also walk to celebrate who I am now compared to who I was in 2007 this time of year.

And to remember to embrace the essence of El Camino as I walk in my day to day. For me, that is respect for self, others, the environment.

I think of this as I walk through the various nature paths. And see the tissues left behind. The plastic bottles. Or in the tapa bars where after the 1 pm rush...the floor is littered with napkins.

Oh well...I will do my part. And leave my rest spots whether in nature or the bars or in the communal kitchen areas of the albergues, clean and clear. For me. For the next person. What a great pay-it-forward for the next person, for Gaia!

Buen Camino!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Logroño -- Domingo, 7 Octobre 20127

In Rioja and Pintxo heaven :-) here in Logroño. Thank goodness the pintxo bars are open on Sunday (today) when I arrived! Because everything else is closed :-)

My day does not afford much time for Internet! All Good! Enjoying the quiet time! And lots of exercise :-)

Wake up around 6 am.
Eat breakfast.
Pack up.
Start walking about 8 am.
BEAUTIFUL scenery! QUIET! Not a lot of pelegrinos, yet enough on the Camino! So far not much walking along highways!
Arrive either around 12 or 4 depending on whether I walk 10 or 20 km :-)
Along the way rest and eatting
Wash clothes
Have a vino or cerveza
Eat dinner
Sleep :-)

Except for carrying the backpack :-| am enjoying El Camino! Lots of folks from all over the world.

And it's not all beautiful scenery! Sometimes it's along dusty, dry roads through the vineyards with a hot sun beating down on me! All Good as it could be pouring rain :-|

Oh well...All Good!

Buen Camino!