Monday, October 20, 2014

19 October 2014...where am I?

Today I am in Vancouver, BC.

Arrived 11 October and been staying at my friend's.  She and her husband live in Kitsilano.

Will be here until next Tuesday when I fly back into the US...Los stay with a long-time friend there.  And looks like November, I will land back home!

The body is ready.  Was glad to have access to a Vitamix at my friend's here so I could make my 'tea' of puréed raw garlic, raw ginger, lemon, honey, chili pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, and hot water.  Last Sunday until this past Saturday have been under the weather!  So this, PowerImmune and not doing a lot have greatly helped!  I feel like I'm back to optimal!  And will give myself a few more 'sick' days.  My friend from Concord, CA arrives on Friday for a long weekend of touristing in Vancouver!  And I will be optimal well-being for that :-)

All for now!

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