Monday, November 10, 2014

4 November 2014 - Welcome Back Home and Miscellaneous Reflections

It's 10 November 2014 and I have been back home for five days.

i was excited to return home.  And that lasted a day or so.  Then the post-vacation blues, blahs, depression hit me.  And the reality of all the "stuff" left behind staring at me.  Yelling - "pay attention to me first".  Poor Tom, he sees me 24/7 and gets to experience my crankiness (BIG TIME) -- being out of sorts, contentious, un-happy.  Even now.

Thank goodness I had decided a week or so before returning that I would cleanse.  And found the Total Wellness Cleanse by Yuri Elkaim.  Here's the link in case you're interested in what I am doing....

Got the info on Thursday and started it last Friday.

From The Total Wellness Cleanse starter guide--the bolding & italics is what resonated with me (and kicked my butt): "You are ultimately in control of your results. You are responsible to committing to and, then, following our plan. You control the choices you make and the foods you put in your body. We will provide you with all the information, education, support, and motivation you need to succeed, but you need to realize that the results you get from this 30-day program depend on your commitment and effort. You get out what you put into the program."

What a great reminder for Life in general.  And what a great kick in my butt as I sit in all this post-vacation blues, blahs, depression, crankiness, etc, etc, etc.  All Good since it has me slow down and allow myself to listen to it all, then decide what I am going to be and do.  Listen to all this depressing self-talk and do nothing.  Or listen for the "gold" in the depressing self-talk and use it to do something well for me, myself, and I.

That said....I listened and the something well I am doing.....

--Taking some alone time now before socializing.  What's different this return from a-traveling -- I return to a home shared with my partner and our chance for 24/7 solitude!  Or at least being on my own for 24/7.  And spent the four weeks prior staying with friends.  Lesson learned....spend at least 7 days on my own before returning !

--Attending to the left wrist which used to swell and get inflamed occasionally over the past three years.  Thus affecting my range of motion and use of my left hand.  Shows me how I can accept something like this for three (yes three) years.  Attend to it during that time until it feels better.  Then forgot to maintain optimal movement through arm/shoulder/wrist stretching.  Thank goodness the week before I left on my East Coast Adventure.....I found a great myofascial trigger point therapist Kate Simmons (  She helped release some of the tight muscle knots in my left arm/shoulder/wrist.  And provided helpful tips for stretching while I was a-traveling.  Tennis ball in a sock is great for reaching those shoulder blade muscles.  My appointment with her last Thursday and a few more to come, will allow those tight and deep muscle knots on my left side to release, so I can stretch and restore optimal movement in my wrist.

<<This quote from The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, Page 8, is definitely a metaphor for things in general...."The trigger point's knotted up muscle fibers obviously needed to relax and let go, and why not go straight to the troubled spot and deal with it directly?">>

Having fun with the Total Wellness Cleanse menus.  The recipes so far are quick, easy, taste delish (Love That).  Use a lot of ingredients I usually cook with anyway (WOO HOO).  Appeals to my experimental side since i am preparing these ingredients in a different way (YES!).  Get to experiment with the Corning Ware I acquired along my travels (AWE-SOME!)

All Good!

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