Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Montreal, Quebec, Canada (4 October 2014)

Forecast is rain and voila....rain!

Perfect day to be lazy and NOT rush out to explore Montreal!  Besides I am tired.  I love hearing the sound of rain coming down while I am warm under the bedcovers!  Luxury at its best for me!  This a great studio I have here with a balcony.  Here's a pic of it at night!

So I finally ventured out around 1 PM.  In search of a thrift store :-). And mostly to use Metro for the first time and walk in another part of Montreal.  The hotel is one block from Berri-UQAM Metro stop so I went there.  WOW...down the elevator yet before getting to the Metro gates--no pic :-) there is this great store of paper, cards, pens, games, etc.

Then I went down to catch my train.  This mural catches your eye as you come down the escalator for the Green line.

And I chuckled at the floor signs to show folks the flow of passengers entering and exiting each train cabin :-)  Need these instructions at time for Muni and Bart riders back home.

And this is definitely a bike-friendly city!

I looked up the station after I got back to the hotel.  Wow, who knew?

On the way to find this thrift store (friperie), I found this one!  GREAT store (at least for me).  As I en-joy looking at all this second-hand things.

Found the thrift store (friperie) I was looking for.  And for me...too small a space and too pricey!

AND was fun just walking and looking at the storefronts.  The people.  The rain -- pretending I am in France :-)

There was a line waiting to get into this place.  So I bought some brisket from the take away side!  They handed me the paper bag and it was still hot!  DELISH!  Turns out Montreal is known for its smoked meat and this place is good (thus the line).

Back at the hotel and this brisket is DELISH!  Bon Appetit!

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