Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Harrisburg PA (21 - 23 August 2014)

Today is Thursday, 21 August 2014.  And a long travel day.  Amtrak at 11:05 AM to Philadelphia.  Layover.  Change train leaving at 3:45 PM to Harrisburg.

That's okay as I am ready for the train ride with my provisions :-) I was able to get a seat with an empty seat beside me and it was peaceful.  Here's my lunch of soft shell crab from last night.  Love Lock and Lock leakproof containers!  Thank you June for introducing me to Lock and Lock!  I can place ice around it to keep the contents cold and the water out of the contents!  Now if I could just take a better photo :-)

And veggies!  And cookie (in a wax paper bag no less - very compostable).

And some wine!  Like my placemat/napkin and wine bottle :-)

My friend in Harrisburg--we were neighbors when I first moved to Charlottesville and lived at Barracks Road apartments.  She's a retired Spanish teacher.  And for the past two years, she's been researching her father's side of the family.  All the way back to her great, great, great grandfather.  I think I got the correct number of greats correct!  Anywho, it was fun to catch up with each other.

And her home-made soup from freezer to stove to table was a pleasure after a long day of travel.  And arriving to Harrisburg with rain.  Thank you my friend!

We managed to do a lot in the four days I was there!

Friday, 22 August.
Leisurely day.  Grocery store and checking out thrift stores.  Thank you my friend for indulging in this!  Look what I found at the Goodwill near her home.  For 3.97 no less :-) and a P series!

Perfect for soup :-) Winter is coming soon!

And synchronistically...the Goodwill had moved from where she remembered.  And when we finally found it, it was in the same strip mall as a salt room, that she wanted to check it out.  Since we're so close, let's check it out.  The owner of the place gave us a tour.  She was good to chat with!  And had a good energy about her.  Looked to be a relaxing experience for tomorrow.

Saturday, 23 August 2014....
A Himalayan salt room experience!  Boy oh boy was that ever relaxing!  45 minutes in a room with a layer of Himalayan salt on the floor!  The salt naturally sanitizes itself so just need to keep dirt out as much as possible.  No shoes worn in the room.  The salt felt like beach sand only it did not stick to me as I laid on top of it.  I wish there was one in SF.  The owner looked up on the internet, to see if there was any salt rooms in San Francisco.  Closest one is Campbell, CA!  Darn!  Oh well, it was relaxing!  And I am envious that my friend has this place so close to her home --less than 15 minutes driving!

Now to zzzzzz land :-)

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