Sunday, March 13, 2016

veggie and fruit cleanse - day 13

Today is day 13 of my veggie and fruit cleanse for the month of March.  What a great way to transition from my 6-0 year to my 6-1 year, which will start next month on the 12th!

Ideally the veggies on this cleanse are eatten raw to savor and max the nutrients to my body.  And allow the body to be nourished while spending its energy on clearing out toxins versus digesting.  Not being rigid though with the 'raw' part.  Today it is rainy out and I feel like some hot soup.  So I am having a delish veggie soup.  The soup is slightly steamed brocolli, carrots, parsips, scallion, garlic, ginger that is VItamix-ed with salt and pepper and then served with some of the veggies cut-up.  I have done cleanses before.  Different ones just to see what I notice.  And I have to say this one.  Well, for the past 5 or so years, I noticed a low-low-low level of fatigue.  I am retired now so not a problem to take a nap in the afternoon.  Or call in sick :-). I got used to it.  What I notice with this cleanse is that I do not notice the low-low-low level of fatigue.  SOOOOOO, I am enjoying this....and this soup!  Also not being rigid on only fruit and veggies.  Have been putting chia, flax, or hemp seeds in my smoothies.  And eating nuts.

Now for dessert...fruit salad here I come!  Love my monkey bowl :-). Thank you June!

What's different also with this cleanse is I am eating a lot of fruit.  More than I usually eat.

 ¡Buen Provenco!

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