Sunday, March 27, 2016

pollen allergy and food....(with April 3 update)

It's Sunday March 27, 2016.  Happy Easter!  And day 27 of my veggie and fruit cleanse for the month of March.

Wow, I was feeling great and truly amazed that my low, low, low, low level of fatigue was no longer.  Then March 16 hit.  I recall sneezing a few times during the day.  Generally when there is something in the air like pollen, I sneeze a few times and that's that.  Not this time.  I have been experiencing sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, and sometimes tiredness every other day since the 16th.  Truly baffled since prior to that I had no symptoms.  I had not changed anything in my environment or in my food choices.  Only change was the "stuff" in the air.

Now I know what folks with allergies go through.  And it's not fun!  Meanwhile, aside from taking allergy medications which I did want to do, I decided to do an internet search for natural remedies.  Voila....turns out that "People with pollen allergy may experience allergic symptoms when they eat certain nuts, fruits, and vegetables."

AHHHHH, light bulb goes on inside me.....makes sense, I usually do not eat a lot of fruit.  So with this cleanse of eatting mostly veggies and fruit, I introduced eatting more fruit, like banana, apple, orange, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries on March 1.  And I usually don't eat celery and was eatting more celery.  All these especially apple, banana, raspberries and celery have the potential to cause allergy symptoms.

So we shall see what happens, I am cutting out the fruit and celery for the remaining five days of this cleanse.  Seems to work yesterday - I felt horrible when I woke up - sneezing, congested, itchy eyes, tired.  By the end of the day, I was only itchy eyes.

Oh well, learn something new every day!


Update, April 3....definitely once I stopped eatting the fruit and celery, waking up to a scratchy throat in the morning, the sneezing, the congestion, the itchy eyes went away.  Who would have guessed?  Not I.  So I figured out that this area right now has ash, alder, and juniper pollen in the air.  Of the three, alder (of the birch family) is the only one that is known to have cross-reaction and the biggest cross-reaction is with apple.  Celery is not mentioned.  On the other hand, one day I ate two apples and several stalks of celery.  I will slowly reintroduce a bite of apple or celery here and there to see what happens.  In the meantime, banana seems okay.  Next will try strawberries as they are in season here at the farmers markets.  And orange -- also in season here.

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