Tuesday, March 29, 2016

update on vertical storing of clothes :-)

Prior to December 2015, I read Marie Kondo's book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  My niece had asked me if I had read the book.  No....and the title intrigued me so I ordered it from the public library.

Lo and behold...it became available from the library a week or so after I told myself it was time to go through my clothes and discard.  That was December 2015.

I enjoyed reading her book.  I smiled at things she does that remind me of me.  Like thanking her clothes.  I don't do that, instead I thank my Home :-)

Anywho, I found it synchronistic that the first category she starts with was where I wanted to start....clothes.

So I decided to use her strategy for clothes discarding.  And clothes folding.  That was December 9, 2015.  Here's a link to photos before and after...


Fast forward to today March 27, 2016 and photos of these same drawers.  So much easier to coordinate my scarves (which I Love) with my outfits, now that I store them vertically.  Plus it is so much fun to open the drawer and see all the color!  I also see which items I wear more than others.  Plus vertical folding and discarding a bunch of clothes, freed up at least three drawers.  WOW.....

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