Thursday, March 17, 2016

60 days of celebration

It's Match 17 and the 17th day of my cleanse eatting mostly fruit and veggies.  Feels like a great way to wind up my 60th year of living and transition into beginning my 61st year.

And a friend was asking me the other day as we talked about how we were celebrating our birthdays - her 8-0 and my 6-0 -- how was I celebrating my birthday?  Good question, I haven't made any plans.  Feels odd as I recalled the year before my 5-0 where I held the intention for a fab-o 5-0 celebration, planned one and invited all my friends.  We laughed as we recalled what a fun and fab-o time all who joined in had together.  I am also a little sad, since my purse is not so deep these days as when I was working -- to hostess a celebration of that scale is not possible.

On the other hand, things are starting to show up on my calendar.  Dinner with four dear and close friends one night at Aziza.  T. cooking me dinner (without me being in the kitchen to guide him).  And I realize I can't recall celebrating my birthday in the same or similar way each year.  Light bulb turns on inside - I will start April 1 with 60 days of doing something different each day.  All sparked by the conversation with my friend about things we wanted to do as time goes on (and had not done....yet).  Thank you DJ for the catalyst!

So there we go, feels like a fun and fab-o way to celebrate 60 years of living and many more to come!  Let me know if you have any ideas!  Fun and cheap ones are the best :-) !

Stay tuned for the 60-day adventure :-)


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