Friday, September 18, 2015

Undesired Outcomes....

....."undesired outcomes that offer a learning experience"....

.....I came across these words in reading this morning.  And smiled knowly, as I resonated with them.  As well as with those times when undesired outcomes caused me to think (operative word...think) I am a failure.  Or that I made a mistake.  Instead of causing me to learn.  All good, because as I am reminded as I learn espaƱol, mistakes and failures are all part and parcel to the learning process.  They show me what I do know and what I do not know.  They guide me to be comfortable with mistakes and failures.  And to be kind in word and deed with myself when I make a mistake or fail.  For in doing so, I will be kind in word and deed with others when he/she makes a mistake or fails.

All Good!

May you see the learning in the undesired outcomes that come your way today.....

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