Thursday, August 7, 2014

Steam Train Ride

It's Sunday, 27 July 2014.  Up early...for me :-) ... so we can leave by 9:30 am.  Destination: steam train ride at 11 am.  And the train leaves whether we are on it or not.  The three year old is cooperative this morning!

Off we sister, my niece, the 5 and 3 year olds.  And it's an overcast day so the temps are pleasant for a ride on a steam train with open window cars!  This is a lot of fun for an hour long train ride!  Too bad I cannot post the video I took of the engine car un-hitching from the train cars, so it could turn around, go to the opposite end to hook up and pull the train cars back to the starting point.

And the kids were engaged so minimal meltdowns!  Good thing for their mom!  And us!  Woo Hoo!

All in all a fun day!  My sister heads back to her home afterwards.  And we chill out.

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