Sunday, August 10, 2014

Last Day In Wake Forest...

It's Tuesday, 29 July 2014.  My nephew-in-law has the day off so we meet up for an adult lunch before picking up the five year old from day care.  Beautiful weather day for Wake Forest meaning no humidity! Sunny!  70's!  My niece, nephew-in-law, and I sit outside at a Mexican restaurant minutes from the daycare.  Yummy food -- scallop and pork belly tacos with a mixed berry margarita!  Love eatting al fresco (without a heat lamp)!

Then we have dance lesson for the 3 year old who keeps looking to see if we are watching her!  A one way mirror window would be good for this age group and us viewers :-)

And t-ball...with the three year old sporting her heart shaped sunglasses AND not wanting me to take her photo up close!  She knows what she wants from her great-aunt (that's me) and it usually includes a very emphatic 'No'.  Three year olds :-)

Tomorrow I fly to Richmond, VA!  It's been a FUN experience.  And I am tired :-). HATE to leave yet the memories live on!

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