Thursday, August 28, 2014


It is Saturday, 6 September 2014

While I have not had time to blog and post photos on my travels since 14 August and leaving Richmond VA....I have observed how blessed I am with the family and friends in my life.

So I send out much gratitude, appreciation, love, and balanced hugs to all I have seen or stayed with thus far....since I left my home on the red-eye the evening of 11 July begin my adventure with first visiting my sister and brother-in-law.  And to my partner Tom and the 9-year black Labrador Benny who love and support me from a-far in our home!

I just arrived this evening in Noyac NY (Long Island) and my friend asked me what was the most interesting part of my trip so far.  I paused and said visiting with family or friends that I had not seen in a while.

For me, face-to-face is the best.  Next comes FaceTime or Skype.  Then phone.  I do not make much time for FaceBook.

Thus this trip...I am seeing face-to-face family or friends I have seen or spent time with in a long while.  And it is great to see my family and friends's day-to-day.  To spend time together -- sharing what's going on with each other now.  Reminiscing.  Laughing.  Crying.  Eatting.  Drinking.  Browsing for me--shopping for them :-). Vegging.  En-joying Life's little things together!

And so touched with the hospitality of family and friends that I have stayed with.  A Huge Thank You for that! I listen to the crickets outside.  And feel the cool breeze come through the window. A/C.  Thank you Source for this nice cool weather!  For the little things!  For my life!  For my partner and his dog!  For my sister and brother-in-law.  For my niece and her Energizer Bunny family :-). For my nephew and his Energizer Bunny family :-). For all the fabulous-o and diverse friends in my life!  For all the blessings in my life!

Balanced Hugs Everyone!  I love you!

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