Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fierce Conversations

There is a book Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott. I have read the book and referenced it a few times since I was introduced to the book during 2003. More recently I was thinking about a passage from the book where Susan Scott speaks of "conversation" being from Spanish and its meaning in the context of what she writes. Probably because I am taking Spanish 1A at City College summer session. And I like the positive side of fierce -- robust, intense, passionate, powerful, unbridled. I requested the book from the library since I could not locate my copy of the book.

When I randomly opened the book (as I often do with books I've read before), synchronicity abounds. The page was entitled...Getting Real With Yourself. She calls it taking an integrity scan. Source is so funny sometimes. Seems El Camino France will give me lots of time to do an integrity scan.

I distill her integrity scan to "Do I love ____?" AND "Do I want to be with _____?" If either or both responses are No, then I need to move my attention and focus to something where my responses are both Yes.

Another synchronicity, last night I completed with a group of 7, the book Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. The last chapter is entitled Recovering A Sense Of Faith. The facilitator will be starting up another group to go through Julia's book Walking In The World. I told the group I will miss them. And to think of me, as I will literally be Walking In The World when I leave on walkabout soon. And I do so with Faith. case you want to do an integrity's the questions Susan asks...

What values do I stand for, and are there gaps between those values and how I actually behave?

Have I absented my spirit from my work? My significant other? My relationships? My family? I really love these questions because I know what it feels like to "absent my spirit" from something. Thus it's fab-o to be reminded to check-in with Self.

What activities do I have my heart in?

What am I called to do?

Is the personal cost I'm paying worth it?

Where am I going?

Why am I going there?

Who is going with me?

How am I going to get there?

Am I realizing my full potential?

Am I fully extended in my capabilities?

Is there value and fulfillment in my work today?

What unmet needs am I moved and positioned to meet?

Happy Scanning!

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