Saturday, July 21, 2012

Testing 1-2-3

It's 4:42 pm here in San Francisco--21 julio 2012. And I'm out walking. After two weeks of resting my strained right calf and arch muscles, I am slowly returning to walking more than a few blocks. PERFECT timing because for the past three weeks I've been getting on the bus at 8:30 am to go to Spanish 1A summer session class at City College. M to Th for five weeks. 10 to 12:30. Muy intensivo! And All Good!

Gives me time to stare out the bus window and watch all the interesting sights!

And finding all sorts of ways to use my iPhone--like right now I discovered I can use Google Blogger! So this is a test as I'm seeing how light I can travel when I leave for El Camino de Santiago!

Buen Camino!

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