Sunday, July 22, 2012

El Camino Began The Day We Are Born

I recall telling a group of friends a month or so ago...that each of us is already walking El Camino. We've each been walking it from the day we were born. And I really sense that as I walk around my home city.

I moved here in 1988 and have been car-free since then. Daily I walked. To and from my workplace. To explore this new place I lived. To and from the grocery store. To and fro somewhere. Usually carrying a backpack filled with things like snacks, water, layers as the weather can shift from micro-climate to micro-climate. And in the past 10 years or so, I notice that my pace is slower. Part of that is physical stuff. Huge part of it...Source keeps telling me...S..L..O..W..D..O..W..N... And in slowing down, I have time to say Hi to a tree. A rose. A plant. And thank it for smiling at me. To look at the changing sky with its awesome shades of blue one day. Gray another. Dark another. Cloud-free. Clouds galore. Oh how I miss the clouds from my childhood in Virginia. For here, they aren't as billowy, fluffy, 3-D-ish. To notice the rush all around me--people, traffic, bikes. Tourists don't seem to rush. That's probably the reason one of my personal business cards says "Live life as if you're on holiday!" To sense which direction is a way to go or not. To be grateful.

I smile now because, we never know what tomorrow will bring. In January when my friend June and I were planning our 21-day trip to Italy and France, I had no clue that I would go from that trip to walk El Camino de Santiago. And once I leaned into my resistance and fear, I realized they were all illusion to keep me from walking there. From letting go. Having faith.

All Good!
Buen Camino in your day-to-day walk in and with Life.

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