Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Love and Respect...

It is 12 December 2012...14 days since I left Santiago...17 days since leaving Fisterre...and taking the walk back into the life before I began Camino. Noticing what I notice.

When I woke up, what came to mind was a conversation I had with a friend last
night. She needed an ear and I was happy to oblige. And noticing...her energy float past me. And this morning...that conversation had the words love and respect come up for me. Is she loving and respecting her self with the choices she is making now. Today. For that is all I or she or we have....Ekhardt Tolle would

Respect...high or special act of giving particular attention.

Love...strong affection

Am I treating my self with love and respect so that I in turn affect the energy fields around me with that awesome love and respect? And treat the people, environment, things that are those energy fields with love and respect?

I noticed these great questions as I cut up an apple and placed it on the kitchen table. To eat throughout the day. And put a pot of lentils to cook using the leftover gravy from my sister's icebox as the liquid. As I read the note from my sister with two requests of me. As I folded the laundry. As I am typing this now.

Help me Source to use these questions to guide me in my choices today. In the now.

Buen Camino which is Spanish for Good Way.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Day Four...It's Like Jet Lag :-)

Re-entry into the life before...fill in the blank: Camino, vacation, divorce, weight-loss, change...happened is like jet lag! Where you give all of you time to catch up to where you are :-)

Today is Domingo...1 December...and Madrid's stores are definitely open! I am in a shopping meca - June, you would be in heaven!

As the weather was once again loving me with blue skies and plenty of Sol :-) <>, I opted out of going to the Museo del Prado and instead headed for the open air flea market called El Rastro! I LOVE flea markets because I en-joy looking at what is being sold in whatever place that I am visiting! And I en-joy watching the people! And I en-joy being outdoors!

Let's see...I've been to the ones in Nice...Paris...Rome...New York...San Francisco...Whiteville...Berkeley...and now Madrid! This one was a fabulous mix of something that would appeal to all--local artisan, antiques, clothing, souvenirs, housewares, comic books, shoes, junk, electrical stuff, old keys!

Definitely go early to avoid the crowds! When I arrived about 10, I easily walked about! By 1, it was crowd-city! Actually walking through the same places at 10 on Domingo as I did the night before, was lovely as now they were few people versus the masses.

Yes, I was at El Rastro a long time as this market stretches for blocks! Much like the one in Rome! And Paris!

And I was amazed at the prices! I wanted a pair of thermal tights--3 euro.

And I found at least two 'Hecho en Espana' vendors! Most of the items guessed it...made in China :-)

The street performers are pretty strong also. How do they manage to stay semi-reclined for so long? I stood and watched several for at least two minutes!

Also along the streets you can find lots of interesting looking food places catering to shop and go :-) meaning there is SRO!

All in all--a great day to be outdoors as the sun brought the temp up from low 30's to at least mid to high 40's!

Buen Camino!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day Three in Madrid

It's Sabado, 1 Dec 2012. Connected today with two amigos del camino. I had forgotten they lived in Madrid, until one responded to one of my global e-mails to mis amigos del camino. And the other sent the photos that one asked if the three could take with me on camino!

It was fabulous to see each of them. The plan was visit the Prado, yet when I met up with Antonio...I decided the day was just to gorgeous (yet cold) to be inside. So we walked from there past the state buildings. And took a photo of me at the 0 km (center) point of the country! And walked through Plaza del Sol and on to Plaza Mayor. Then Mercado San Miguel. Then to meet up with Alfonso! And continued walking :-). Past a store with a huge sweets/candy selection. Past the oldest restaurant. Past the streets where the El Rastro street market is held every Sunday. Past all the 'moda' (fashion) stores run by the Chinese folks :-). Past a plaque noting where one of Antonio's teachers lived.

They walked me through small, less crowded streets and showed me fun sites--I wished I'd taken notes :-). I definitely took photos--more so with my digital than Chica (the iPhone). Alfonso and Antonio definitely took photos. So check back--once I can download all - yes all - the photos I took since 2 September - well, I'll update my blog posts :-). What a fun way to re-live the fun :-)

We stopped for vino at one of the oldest tavernas! With all the photos of bullfighters! And stuffed bull heads!

It was such an en-joyable time--walking, laughing, talking! Thank you Camino for having we three to cross paths as we did and connect!

Thank you Antonio and Alfonso for a wonderful time with you in your city! Trust we will meet again in my city :-)

Buen Camino!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Madrid...continued (day 2 after the Camino -- biremes, 30 Noviembre 2012)

Thank you Tom for reminding me..."Remember you are still a Pilgrim. Bright lights and a big city moving fast can send you into a strange place. You have been going slow and holy, find a cathedral and sit for a while, touch base. (Museo) Sorolla's house is slow and holy."

Thank you body for saying "Kind and gentle! Keep with the essence of the Camino and steer clear of things that are non-beneficial!"

So I asked the front desk to move me to another room. I could smell the faint smell of fresh cigarette smoke in the hallway when I came in last night. Inside my room, all was smelled okay. Turns out the cigarette smokers were in two different rooms on my floor--one room being next to mine! All despite signs saying no smoking allowed!

As I walked today from the hostal to Museo Sorolla...I looked back at my Camino as a huge detox on a lot of different levels! Being in fresh air every day. Walking through nature or small villages. Tom is spot on--I am über-sensitive to sights and sounds and smells and energy that does not fit with what I've grown very accustomed to over the past 64 days!

No wonder my body went tired yesterday after I arrived. And my stomach was upset! I needed time to acclimate and better digest all of this 'different' stuff!

So I walked on quiet side streets of Madrid to the Museo! And before I called it a night at 9 pm (early by the folk here), I felt okay to walk along Gran Via for the few blocks to my hostal. Definitely lots of people! And traffic! And I was quite happy to go to my quiet hostal room! Take a quiet bath in the half-size bathtub! And hit the hay!

Tomorrow is a trip to the Museo del Prado.

Am also body does seem to want to eat the same amount of food on a daily basis! Makes sense--I'm not walking 10 to 20 km daily either :-)

Friday, November 30, 2012

29 Noviembre 2012 -- Hola Madrid!

Well, I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore :-)

Judging by the buildings I see as the taxi takes me from the train station to the hostal. Judging by the shops I see as the taxi moves in and out of the busy city streets.

Judging by how how I feel! For the first time in a long while I have an upset stomach. This is a city that smokes :-| so even though the hostal is smoke-free, the smell of cigarette smoke wafts here and there. And the busy-ness. As I go out to explore this very big of Spain! Perhaps one day here would have been better.

All notice what I notice after my Camino! Definitely the energy of this city is swirling around me. It's sensory, commercial, urban overwhelming after such quiet surroundings. And so much--shops, buildings, people, traffic. Perhaps staying 2 blocks near the Gran Via was not a good idea? Although it's quiet on this narrow street! And I have a back room.

I am reminded of my re-entry after being in the rainforest in Ecuador and then Quito--sitting at the airport, feeling everyone and everything rushing and all that was overwhelming.

Oh well...Tom recommended I see Museo Sorollo so I will make my way there either via foot or the Metro.

Yet as it's been since lunch yesterday that I ate. As I walked the couple blocks from my hotel or rather hostal to Gran Via...I noticed this Chinese restaurant. And hot soup sounded good! Especially since it is a bit chilly here :-). Glad the sun is shining!

Voila... Won ton soup (with the teeny, tiny dried shrimp in the broth) definitely hit the spot! And spinach sautéed with garlic--tasty! Tea with real tea leaves - no bag tea :-). Buen provinco!

For some reason, I am very cold and still now feeling well, so I head back to the hostal for more layers! Instead, I take a rest that turns into sleep...into the evening. Kind and gentle to myself -- re-entering a very large city, especially one as colorful and vibrant as Madrid, requires adjustment time after being on Camino for 64 days!

Tomorrow is another day!

Buen Camino!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Can Tell I Am In Pork Loving Country :-)

A photo is worth a thousand words :-) I visited a large supermarket here in Santiago as I had 6 hours before my night sleeper train leaves :-) to Madrid. Where else would I be able to buy an entire cured ham leg? And all displayed in not one but three places in the supermarket :-)

The other thing I cannot get over...walking into restaurants, bars, supermarkets and hearing American music over the PA system! Cities, towns, villages! Makes me think I am not in a different country :-)

And the rain comes. The rain goes. The sun shines. The skies turn gray and dark. It is cool. It is cold. Such is the changing weather I experienced in a matter of minutes while in Santiago since I arrived on Monday afternoon. I forgot to ask if this is normal.

28 Noviembre 2012