Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Love and Respect...

It is 12 December 2012...14 days since I left Santiago...17 days since leaving Fisterre...and taking the walk back into the life before I began Camino. Noticing what I notice.

When I woke up, what came to mind was a conversation I had with a friend last
night. She needed an ear and I was happy to oblige. And noticing...her energy float past me. And this morning...that conversation had the words love and respect come up for me. Is she loving and respecting her self with the choices she is making now. Today. For that is all I or she or we have....Ekhardt Tolle would

Respect...high or special act of giving particular attention.

Love...strong affection

Am I treating my self with love and respect so that I in turn affect the energy fields around me with that awesome love and respect? And treat the people, environment, things that are those energy fields with love and respect?

I noticed these great questions as I cut up an apple and placed it on the kitchen table. To eat throughout the day. And put a pot of lentils to cook using the leftover gravy from my sister's icebox as the liquid. As I read the note from my sister with two requests of me. As I folded the laundry. As I am typing this now.

Help me Source to use these questions to guide me in my choices today. In the now.

Buen Camino which is Spanish for Good Way.

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