Friday, December 7, 2012

Day Four...It's Like Jet Lag :-)

Re-entry into the life before...fill in the blank: Camino, vacation, divorce, weight-loss, change...happened is like jet lag! Where you give all of you time to catch up to where you are :-)

Today is Domingo...1 December...and Madrid's stores are definitely open! I am in a shopping meca - June, you would be in heaven!

As the weather was once again loving me with blue skies and plenty of Sol :-) <>, I opted out of going to the Museo del Prado and instead headed for the open air flea market called El Rastro! I LOVE flea markets because I en-joy looking at what is being sold in whatever place that I am visiting! And I en-joy watching the people! And I en-joy being outdoors!

Let's see...I've been to the ones in Nice...Paris...Rome...New York...San Francisco...Whiteville...Berkeley...and now Madrid! This one was a fabulous mix of something that would appeal to all--local artisan, antiques, clothing, souvenirs, housewares, comic books, shoes, junk, electrical stuff, old keys!

Definitely go early to avoid the crowds! When I arrived about 10, I easily walked about! By 1, it was crowd-city! Actually walking through the same places at 10 on Domingo as I did the night before, was lovely as now they were few people versus the masses.

Yes, I was at El Rastro a long time as this market stretches for blocks! Much like the one in Rome! And Paris!

And I was amazed at the prices! I wanted a pair of thermal tights--3 euro.

And I found at least two 'Hecho en Espana' vendors! Most of the items guessed it...made in China :-)

The street performers are pretty strong also. How do they manage to stay semi-reclined for so long? I stood and watched several for at least two minutes!

Also along the streets you can find lots of interesting looking food places catering to shop and go :-) meaning there is SRO!

All in all--a great day to be outdoors as the sun brought the temp up from low 30's to at least mid to high 40's!

Buen Camino!

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