Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I landed back into the Bay Area late evening on 31 December!

As I sit here chilling...taking my time to land into this time zone. And the environment..circumstances I left on 1 September. Well what comes to me is the essence of El Camino. Well the essence for me. Stay present. Appreciation. Gratitude. For??

...for the warm, comfortable bed I slept in last night!

...for the time to sit and stretch..meditate..chill out!

...for this beautiful, sunny, blue sky day!

...for the graceful trees I saw on my walk down the city sidewalk. Trees devoid of leaves yet so beautiful in their nakedness!

...for the food I am eatting as I type!

...for my boyfriend who supported me from a-far while I was away all this time.

...for the deep conversations he and I had last night.

...for him holding the space while I got emotional--sad, frustrated, angry.

...for the fab-o kiss we gave each other this morning

...for the heart-felt 'I love you' I whispered into his ear.

...for the embrace he gave me before leaving out to work and the 'I love you' also.

...for all the things that have me feel wanted, loved, successful!

...for this time where I can do whatever I want!

Yes...what we focus on manifests...and that was punctuated with my experiences as I walked El Camino!

So I smile as I return to life away from El Camino and focus on love, gratitude, respect, joy, laughter, appreciation!

Balanced Hugs!

Buen Camino!

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