Wednesday, January 16, 2013

16 January 2013 Un Peregrino returns to My Home

It's 1 pm here on 16 January 2013 and I am on the bus. Stepping closer to My Home. She awaits my return. She awaits the conversation. So we will sit with each other for the next few days. She will be my peregrino friend for the next few days. We have been away from each other for over four months. And we have much to tell the other. And much time to sit in silence with each other.

Meanwhile, had to laugh...earlier I had a quiet sit, asked Source what am I to sit with today? Heard fears and desires, open the Tao book. Yup! The same page as yesterday! Yet today is not the same day as yesterday! Thank you for this day!

As I walked to the bus stop, someone had chalked near the bus stop BEE HERE NOW...with a bee buzzing from the word BEE. Photo does not do it justice yet I get the reminder Source :-). Thank you!

Meeting up with my tenant after 3 pm so there is time to have a bite to eat, bask in the sun at the local cafe. Thank you for this tasty house-made quiche.

Feels odd to be here in San Francisco again. There is road construction in my neighborhood. Loud booming noises of sledgehammer-like machines as I sit here, basking in the sun. And I hear Ekhardt Tolle say allow the sounds to move through or pass you without getting caught up in them! Easier said than done yet for some reason...right now, I am doing just that! WOW! How amazing! The sounds passed through me.

Change...inevitable! How to be in harmony with change. How in harmony with what is.

All Good!
Buen Camino!

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