Wednesday, February 6, 2013

3 Weeks Back In My Home

Three weeks ago I returned to My Home! As I walked about the rooms those first few days back, it felt odd. All that I saw belonged to me. So many clothes. So many kitchen items. For this one person. YES...this one person.

Where do I put my things that have traveled with me for the past four months? I asked myself. I was so accustomed to hanging up my day clothes to air out while I wore my night clothes. And my toiletries in a small mesh sack that I carried to and fro a bathroom. my home...I no longer needed the clothes I traveled with...they sat in my luggage while all the clothes I had left here, clamored for my attention!

After a few days, I felt the pull to be off to the next destination. Yet this is the journey. And the destination. Here. Now. This is the ultimate Camino. continues to be a mindful and slow re-connecting with all that I left on 1 September. My Home. Activities. Services. Friends. Spent some quiet time with My Home--she welcomed me with open arms. I am so grateful for her. She supports me and loves me in whatever state I am in--an example of un-conditional love. WOW! I saged the air a few days after I returned and asked all the negative energy to go into the Light. Then a friend offered and I accepted for her to come and do a house blessing. Felt very good.

Spending time wandering around re-connecting with The City. Familiarity in some places. Changes in others. Grateful to live in such a beautiful city with beautiful weather!

Un-packed in the past week. Began the process of clearing out closets and drawers and papers. And gathering items for tax return.

Re-connecting with friends after dis-connecting for such a long time. Deciding what communities to re-connect with. All will happen one step and conversation at a time.

Asked Source to send what I need to support me. Tom is super! Friends welcome me back and that has been great! My Home has been super-duper! My daily random readings are great reminders!

Requested the book The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer from the library and it came in one week after I returned to My Home. I read it last week. Definitely is supporting me through this re-entry! Tom opened the book randomly and read silently something profound. Said to me, this is a book to buy. I told him, we shall see as I had not read it yet. Now that I have is a keeper!

Grateful for all of this!

Buen Camino!

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