Saturday, March 2, 2013


It is 2 March 2013...7:22 am...I awake to get ready to head out and participate in an African grief ritual led by an African woman Sobonfu Some. She is from the Dagara Tribe of Burkina Faso.

And I realized that is what I am missing...the on-going safe container and receptacle for all the emotions I have. As Sobonfu noted in her talk last her village, emotions around grief are shared within the village, so that healing can occur for not just the person, also the village--for it is their belief that one affects the other. I am missing the Camino and its on-going safe container for all my emotions, made up of Source, the land, nature, the path, the albergues, the pilgrims themselves, the people along the path, me.

Here....I live alone. And my village mates are not physically within reach. Or so I believe. Time for me to think outside the box on what people constitutes my community. I live in a city where there are lots of people who cross my path. Up to me to ensure my presence is beneficial.

And Sobonfu's work is beautiful and powerful...a fabulous opportunity to be witnessed and supported as one releases the many sounds and voices and states of grief.

Now it is 7 March...I appreciated that one participant shared that one time she went to the grief altar and was exhausted. She tried to get up yet the village said no, stay, there is more. A new perspective--to see exhaustion as a face of grieving.

When she answered a question about what to do when one is in constant physical pain, the response about arthritis resonated with me. Constant physical pain means one is carrying a lot of unresolved grief. Same holds true for those with arthritis. As Dr. Cantwell told me years ago...'your experience will be your evidence' and so it has been the case for me. As I have let go of a lot of unresolved grief over the years and allowed my emotions to flow versus suppress, it has definitely helped my well-being.

I feel lighter after this weekend. And my range of motion in my left wrist is much more. Validation that what is affecting the wrist is beyond a physical cause!

Grateful for the resources that are crossing my path now.

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