Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wed 14 July 2010 -- Life Happens

Well 14 July certainly was NOT what I planned either...which all goes to show...being with what is...being in flow is the best way to live. LOL ain't easy!

There I was - all set to head off from Oare (England) to the farmer's market in Marlborough (England). As I crossed the kitchen to put my tea cup in the sink, my right foot landed half on the floor, half on the recessed doormat. For some reason, a recessed doormat at interior door entrances are popular here in England. AND un-familiar to moi! Anywho, that un-balanced landing made my ankle smart, so I stopped to attend to that. All seemed fine. Then 45 minutes later - I was leaning over the sink to brush my teeth, and the next moment, excruciating pain went across my lower back, near my sacrum. OUCH! Triple OUCH! Not felt this much pain in a long while. At the time, I made no connection between the mis-step and what I was feeling. All I knew is that, I wanted to straighten up and sit down somewhere. AND that did not happen for few more moments. Which seemed like a darn LONG time.

Sooo...I went into panic, fear, oh-no-what's-wrong, etc, etc. Especially since in two more days I was off to my next destination. Albeit, unknown, yet I would be off, presumably via rail. And this was NOT helping. Then I took a deep breath or two or three (oh h---, A LOT), and made my way finally to a seat in the kitchen. Started asking Source Et Al for help and doing energetic healing processes. As I'd had a massage the day before, I knew that this was not totally physical. The re-focusing definitely helped me for the next hour or so.

Thus Life had other plans for me that day. I ended up taking it very easy walking around the Martinsell Centre. Taking it very s..l..o..w was definitely the message the body was giving me. And so I complied.

Happy to say that FINALLY e-mailed my Village of Dancing with Source energetic healers to explain my situation & ask for help. They did some awe-some work for me--from afar. AND another trip to the massage therapist in Marlborough the next day helped. PLUS following guidance, which was to seek out a chiropractor that weekend -- after I arrived in Aberystwyth, two day later on Saturday 16 July (yes, I now can not only pronounce but also spell this Wales town (or city) without looking it up LOL LOL LOL.

Yes, I found a chiropractor there in Aberystwyth. How synchronistic! Two doors down from the whole/natural foods store I found & inquired at. And grateful to have an appointment on Tuesday, 20 July, 4 hours before I took the rail to my next destination. AND found a chiropractor 1.3 miles from my friends' home in Tanfield on Monday, 26 July. 1.3 miles, Thank You Source.

DEFINITELY both visits were what I needed as I was out-of-balance structurally. Could feel it with each step, or a sit, or up/down steps. Oh well, it is what it is. And my set of circumstances was definitely un-balancing, so I needed time to slow down and ensure I took loving care of me. That's what my lower back tells me. Like right now, it's telling me I've been sitting tto long - time to walk, stretch, walk, stretch. Can hear the chiropractor advising me to do the military walk frequently. Look forward and walk with arms and hips swinging. Off we go...

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