Monday, July 5, 2010

Forthampton Court 2 to 5 July 2010

Arrived 2 July to Forthampton Court, Glouchestershire, GL19 4RD around 6 pm after a l..o..n..g (10 hours) flight plus about 2+ hour drive to our AMAZING accommodations! A wing of an estate house - the servants quarters-I think that's what this wing is. A charming couple are the owners. They graciously gave us a tour of their home yesterday 4 July and ended with bubbly to celebrate 4 July. Fascinating, interesting couple with the same to be said about the husband's family history. This place has been in the family for many, many generations. And is part of several estates owned by the family.

Anywho, it's now 5 July and it seems like I'm finally into this time zone. So peacful and quiet here in the country. LOVE it!

Traveling with a group (in this case there are a total of 9) is always interesting. I feel like a little kid - not wanting to sleep because I don't want to miss out on things. Especially since I'm in a new place. So many new things to see. Experience. Feel.

Like just now, I went with two of the folks to the grocery store Morrisons to shop for the group. That was an experience - being on the passenger side in the front seat! And NOT one I will do again, especially AFTER waking from a nice mid-afternoon nap! I agree with the driver - it's NOT fun being the passenger in the front seat. Not only seeing the left side of the road so close, especially on those narrow country roads. It's helping the driver remember to turn right and stay to the left. Or turn left and stay to the left.

Then there's the grocery store. How civilized (yes, I know Glenn, you'll like that I said that!). The checkers are seated! That's since the shoppers bag their own groceries! And the carts have a separate space in the front for things like large bottles of water. The types of tea were also different - like I bought a lime and ginger tea. LOVE touring grcoery stores when I travel to check out the similiarities and differences from the States!

Today was a lowkey day (no touring) so I was able to take an afternoon nap. Lovely!

Saturday, 3 July, we drove about an hour to Stroud to the farmer's market. That was fun. Although by comparison, the San Francisco Ferry Building farmer's market on Sat is HUGE! This farmer's market is the largest in England and it was quaint on the narrow street of Stroud.

Sunday, 4 July, Happy Independence Day! We went to Broadway in the Cottswolds to walk about and eat lunch. Then drove through Chipping Chamden & then home to meet up with the owners for a tour of their beautiful and expansive home. What can I say, it's so beautiful in that old way.

Well, the yummy smells are wafting from the kitchen next door, into this huge sitting area where I'm blogging. I'm hungry! So I will go into the kitchen to eat another yummy meal prepared by our fabulous chefs (my travel mates).

Ciao! Adio! Love & Hugs!

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