Monday, August 30, 2010

Italian Language Lessons Anyone?

OK, my last post was sometime mid-July and it's now 30 August 2010. So what the h--- have I been doing? And where am I?

Well, obviously NOT blogging. All sorts of reasons...a small item like access to internet. And much like all things in Life, it's about setting time aside to actually do X, whatever X happens to be. In this case blogging was far down on the list, especially since most of August, access to internet was not as convenient (in my room). Source decided to test me LOL. There was access only in the hotel lobby. Then to access at the local coffee shop that closed @ 1600. Then to an apartment where first my friends and I could not figure out how to access. Then we did, yet I had to sit on the floor since the cable was short. NOW I am in luxury.

Anywho, enough of the reasons...NOW is NOW. And today, Monday, 30 August, I woke up about 8:30 and wondered what I might do today. I am in Napoli, Italy. Arrived here on Friday, 27 August. Ferry to Capri? Train to Pompeii? Walk around Centro Storico? Then I daydreamed about after I return to San Francisco, I want to go to Guatemala and take a Spanish immersion course... Then thought, what about now? Hey, what about taking an Italian language course here in Napoli. And since I have the LUXURY of internet access in my room, I googled and voila. An Italian language course here in Napoli. AND an Intensive class starts on 3 August (since I am half-awake and thinking Wed is 1 August). LOL LOL LOL. So I call the school Centro Italiano. The person on the other end, corrects me saying they have a class starting today not 3 August as that has past. So I can attend tomorrow since today is a placement test and then class for two hours. Since it is 9:30.

So, now it is 20:20. And it was fun, since all eight of us are beginners. Our instructor is a hoot, very expressive in voice and movements. Class is from 9 to 1. And daily there is an activity. All activities are in Italian. So @ 1600 I took the tour of Centro Storico, which is the old part of Napoli. I did not understand what Bruno spoke of as he showed us various historic sights, yet it was good to just hear Italian and absorb the sounds. AND not get hung up on knowing what he said.

Well, that's all for today! I am getting the hang of this spontaneity. And learning Italian is something I've wanted to do, just did not set aside time to do it. Well, if not now, then when?

Come ti chiami?
Quanti anni hai?
Sei Inglese?
Sei sposato/a?
Perche sei a Napoli?
Dei quanto sei a Napoli?
Che lavoro tai?
Di dove sei?



Anonymous said...

Ciao Bella!!! You really are getting the hang of the spontaneity thing! Enjoy!

Trick_daddy said...

Hello Nina, nice to hear from you again. I am glad that you are taking time to enjoy yourself and making all the things you dreamed of.
If you can learn basics of italian you can talk with Dario at Pellegrini :))))
See ya soon.
