Thursday, February 2, 2017

Intensivo.....Todo Bien..,..All Good..... (el 2 de febrero de 2017) I am writing in English because:
(1) my body is tired and integrating the physiotherapy appointment from yesterday,
(2) it is 20:00 and I have been to my 2-hour gramática clase, and
(3) I have been doing Spanish homework throughout the I want a break.

Between attending to inflammation and pain in my left wrist, getting into the rhythm of classes from Monday to Friday, and moving/settling into a different homestay with an actual desk and working WiFi, I am finally into a 'study' rhythm.

What comes to mind as I type....unexpected outcomes provide learning experiences.

If my left wrist had not inflamed days or weeks before I departed for Madrid, I would not be in Madrid seeking practioners to assist me with getting the inflammation, range of motion back to optimal.  Here I am...spending my free time with physiotherapy.  And happy to do so, because I learned about something new yesterday with my second appointment.  Bone bruises.  

The physiotherapist felt bone bruises are a factor in the symptoms in my left wrist, forearm, and arm.  Todo Bien.  All Good.  According to the physiotherapist, bone bruises are common.  And can happen with as simple as hitting the bone which can bruise the bone tissues.  Bruises are a step below fractures and breaks.  Which explains the ache at times in my forearm.  Or the pain when I try to move my wrist.  Something new for me to learn about :-) Meanwhile, it sounds like it will take time for the bruises to heal.  Oh well.  Guess that means I continue my 15-minute hot/cold water soak in the a.m. and p.m.; gentle massage; daily ibuprofen; wear a compression glove; drink lots of water.

If I was not spending my free time attending to the left wrist (see above) and the left wrist was not inflamed, I would probably have more energy (and desire) to go early-morning-partying with the Chicos and Chicas in this study program.  Instead....the body is reminding me to choose its health and wellbeing.  And to stay true to my intention for taking this program:  further my Spanish skill on all levels.  All Good.  Todo Bien.

And I have discovered that items I easily find in the US (EE.UU. en español) are not so easy to locate here.  Epsom salt.  Compression gloves.  Thick socks.  Translation:  I have been into different stores asking en español for these ítems.  Thank goodness for el dictionario español and hand movements.

Besides I get to find different places to do my homework and have a merienda since dinner is not served until 9.  See photo for one of many meriendas :-) No....NOT in one day :-)

Yes...this is definitely a Camino of a different feel and look (to me) than the Camino Frances and Camino Finisterre I walked in 2012.  And yet a Camino as I probably walk Monday to Friday, in getting to and from Universidad Complutense (where my classes are held) and occasional errands before/after class.....about 6 km.  In 2012, I walked about 7 to 10 km daily.  Plus I am learning a lot about me, myself, and I :-)

¡Buen Camino!

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