Saturday, January 7, 2017

Learning new things...fosho...

Looks beautiful from here.  And quite happy to be on my way from Frankfurt to Madrid.  And not down there in snow. :-) not know for certain the ages of the other 10 participants in this semester-study-abroad program.  What I do will be fun to be around the college-age.  Been quite a while since I have been in college :-). Or for that matter, people in their 20's.  Most of those in my Spanish classes (since I have been taking the evening classes) are working folks.

Plus the vocab used when texting.

For example...
Am down for dinner.

LOL...the terms amuse me....for sure (fasho....forsho)

I know I will learn more than Spaniah on this trip.  A Camino of a different look and feel than Camino de Santiago.  And yet  a Camino to me.  A chance to step out of my day-to-day routine, reflect and re-evaluate.  A Year-End set of questions given to me many years ago.  And Susan Scott's Integrity Scan questions.  The español classes I will be taking.  Living in a different culture.  All helpful as I reflect and reevaluate where I am and where I am going!

¡Buen Camino!

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