Wednesday, January 25, 2017

almuerzo...desayuno...cena...comida...qué rico

Here's my lunch today (el 6 de enero de 2017) with mi compañero de la programa.  Wow...copa de vino solemente 2.50 €.  Más de ensalada :-). Spinicina con champiñones y queso con copa de prosecco.  Mi compañero comó ensalada que yo almuercé ayer--rucla con porchetta.  ¡Qué Rico!

And she's studied Italian in Italy before.  And this is an Italian cafe.  So she wanted to have a slice of the homemade panatone.

Bueno!  Not too sweet!

Several hours, a Metro ride, and a stroll in a different neighborhood later...time for bathroom break :-). Copa de taxakoli!  Delish!  2.70€ ¡Muy burrato en comparación de Estados Unidos!  Vino es delicioso!

And time to head back to home stay for dinner.  Dinner is served at 8:30 pm unless I tell Señora that I won't be there for dinner.  Because I did not leave the apartment until 2 pm, I did not get far.  Yet my body and especially my wrist is telling me to take it slow.  Restore myself before going full-blast exploration.

Time for another bathroom break :-)

And in the walk to the homestay, there is this place on a side street, so I stop in.

The tapa is gratis.  And tasty.  Plus I like the coziness of this place.

The tapas menu looks good so I order pulpo.  YUMMMM!

Now to get to homestay for dinner.

Perfect and delicious meal...white bean (judias) soup with chorizo, morcilla, y torino.  And empanadas.  Fruit for dessert.  Soup is perfect as it is cold outside (30's).

My left wrist loves that I am not cooking.  And I am loving the adventures in eatting something different than what I generally eat.

Buen Provencho....

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