Monday, January 16, 2017

First times.....Primeras veces.....

Hoy domingo, el 8 de enero de 2017.

Recuperando de efectos de jet lag, inflamación en mi muñeca izquierda (comenzó 7 días antes de que dejara San Francisco :-|, privación de sueño, y dolor en muñeca.  Por Dios :-) 

MUY FELIZ Y CONTENTA...los classes no empiecen hasta martes!  Mucho tiempo para recuperar, desde llegué el 3 de enero -- 4 days.

As I stare off into space....a number of firsts on this trip come to mind....

--Traveling because of a study program so this does not feel completely like va-cay or holiday.  I'll be in Spanish language class five days a week--generally 2 hours each day.  Plus a  2-1/2 hour Culture In Spain class on Tuesdays And Thursdays in English.  As I am here to study Spanish....every day is a school day :-)  The brain is definitely getting a workout as I listen to people chatting away in Spanish as I sit on the Metro or walk down the calles.  Or my homestay hostess chatting away with me in Spanish.  Or reading signs everywhere in Spanish.

--Staying in one place for more than 30 days. The only time I traveled and stayed in one place was Napoli, Italy for 4 weeks.  Fun to get to know where places are close, post office, bakery, restaurants, pharmacy.  And where to buy things because each country is different than the U.S.  For example...Epsom salt.  Went to farmacia..nada.  Herbolario...nada.  Ecocentro...nada.  Oh well.

--Traveling in weather that I am not fond of -- cold :-) No me gusta el clima frio.  Para mí hace mucho frío ( 30's F at night).

--Staying in a home stay.  Although...after reading the homestay handbook provided on Day 1, it has me think of staying with family or friends.  Guidelines for homestay apply regardless if your host/hostess is family, friend, or stranger.

--Being on a WhatsApp group chat with 9 other participants who I am guessing, as I have not asked each one, are all in their 20's.  They are a lot of fun.  It's fun to wake up to 50+ messages and 'hear' where they went while I was sleeping.

Interesting to notices differences and similarities with my life experiences.

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