Wednesday, March 30, 2016

BYOB raffle at Trader Joe's....

After 10 years of consistently bringing my own bag to my local Trader Joe's and entering their weekly BYOB raffle, guess who won?  Made my day!!!!!

Yes...I am now Gwynne C :-)
I wrote GWYNNE CHONG on the raffle ticket.  And they thought my first name was Gwynne :-). Woo Hoo...weekly raffle is always for $25 gift card!  More stores need to incent BYOB :-). Yes...I love my bags for shopping :-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

update on vertical storing of clothes :-)

Prior to December 2015, I read Marie Kondo's book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  My niece had asked me if I had read the book.  No....and the title intrigued me so I ordered it from the public library.

Lo and became available from the library a week or so after I told myself it was time to go through my clothes and discard.  That was December 2015.

I enjoyed reading her book.  I smiled at things she does that remind me of me.  Like thanking her clothes.  I don't do that, instead I thank my Home :-)

Anywho, I found it synchronistic that the first category she starts with was where I wanted to start....clothes.

So I decided to use her strategy for clothes discarding.  And clothes folding.  That was December 9, 2015.  Here's a link to photos before and after...

Fast forward to today March 27, 2016 and photos of these same drawers.  So much easier to coordinate my scarves (which I Love) with my outfits, now that I store them vertically.  Plus it is so much fun to open the drawer and see all the color!  I also see which items I wear more than others.  Plus vertical folding and discarding a bunch of clothes, freed up at least three drawers.  WOW.....

Home's beautiful ceiling light fixtures.....

After 25 years of ceiling light fixtures sitting in boxes in a closet or storage room in the basement....waiting to be re-wired and cleaned-up.....the living room now has a re-wired and cleaned-up ceiling light fixture :-)  Forgot the 'before' photo.  Although all who know me, remember that after the room was painted back in 1990, I did not get around to re-wiring and re-hanging the light fixture that was there.  Sooooooo.....there was no light fixture, only capped wires.  That was then.  And now is now.....BEAUTIFUL, no?

And while I was having the living room fixture re-wired, I had another one re-wired and cleaned-up.  I replaced this (yes, somewhere in a drawer is the light cover :-) .....

With gracing the music-meditation room.  GORGEOUS, no?

Grateful that these fixtures still had the intact glass pieces.  Yury at the lamp repair place said it's hard to find replacement glass pieces for fixtures of this period.  He goes to estate sales and when he finds them, he buys them, just in case a client needs.  Yuri did a beautiful job of re-wiring and cleaning up the four fixtures.  Thank you....Yury's Lights & 1849 Divisadero.

Two more fixtures to re-wire, clean-up, and schedule the electrician to hang in the middle room and the bedroom.  All in time for my 60 days of celebration :-)

Soon, very soon.....this will be history....

And this will be history....

So stay tuned for photos!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

pollen allergy and food....(with April 3 update)

It's Sunday March 27, 2016.  Happy Easter!  And day 27 of my veggie and fruit cleanse for the month of March.

Wow, I was feeling great and truly amazed that my low, low, low, low level of fatigue was no longer.  Then March 16 hit.  I recall sneezing a few times during the day.  Generally when there is something in the air like pollen, I sneeze a few times and that's that.  Not this time.  I have been experiencing sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, and sometimes tiredness every other day since the 16th.  Truly baffled since prior to that I had no symptoms.  I had not changed anything in my environment or in my food choices.  Only change was the "stuff" in the air.

Now I know what folks with allergies go through.  And it's not fun!  Meanwhile, aside from taking allergy medications which I did want to do, I decided to do an internet search for natural remedies.  Voila....turns out that "People with pollen allergy may experience allergic symptoms when they eat certain nuts, fruits, and vegetables."

AHHHHH, light bulb goes on inside me.....makes sense, I usually do not eat a lot of fruit.  So with this cleanse of eatting mostly veggies and fruit, I introduced eatting more fruit, like banana, apple, orange, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries on March 1.  And I usually don't eat celery and was eatting more celery.  All these especially apple, banana, raspberries and celery have the potential to cause allergy symptoms.

So we shall see what happens, I am cutting out the fruit and celery for the remaining five days of this cleanse.  Seems to work yesterday - I felt horrible when I woke up - sneezing, congested, itchy eyes, tired.  By the end of the day, I was only itchy eyes.

Oh well, learn something new every day!


Update, April 3....definitely once I stopped eatting the fruit and celery, waking up to a scratchy throat in the morning, the sneezing, the congestion, the itchy eyes went away.  Who would have guessed?  Not I.  So I figured out that this area right now has ash, alder, and juniper pollen in the air.  Of the three, alder (of the birch family) is the only one that is known to have cross-reaction and the biggest cross-reaction is with apple.  Celery is not mentioned.  On the other hand, one day I ate two apples and several stalks of celery.  I will slowly reintroduce a bite of apple or celery here and there to see what happens.  In the meantime, banana seems okay.  Next will try strawberries as they are in season here at the farmers markets.  And orange -- also in season here.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

breakfast smoothie....

From this.....

To this.....

Great tasting...
Vitamixed in order I put into container...raw garlic, raw ginger, banana, hemp seed, local raw honey, blueberries, cilantro, celery, Dino kale, filtered water, cayenne, cinnamon


Thursday, March 17, 2016

60 days of celebration

It's Match 17 and the 17th day of my cleanse eatting mostly fruit and veggies.  Feels like a great way to wind up my 60th year of living and transition into beginning my 61st year.

And a friend was asking me the other day as we talked about how we were celebrating our birthdays - her 8-0 and my 6-0 -- how was I celebrating my birthday?  Good question, I haven't made any plans.  Feels odd as I recalled the year before my 5-0 where I held the intention for a fab-o 5-0 celebration, planned one and invited all my friends.  We laughed as we recalled what a fun and fab-o time all who joined in had together.  I am also a little sad, since my purse is not so deep these days as when I was working -- to hostess a celebration of that scale is not possible.

On the other hand, things are starting to show up on my calendar.  Dinner with four dear and close friends one night at Aziza.  T. cooking me dinner (without me being in the kitchen to guide him).  And I realize I can't recall celebrating my birthday in the same or similar way each year.  Light bulb turns on inside - I will start April 1 with 60 days of doing something different each day.  All sparked by the conversation with my friend about things we wanted to do as time goes on (and had not done....yet).  Thank you DJ for the catalyst!

So there we go, feels like a fun and fab-o way to celebrate 60 years of living and many more to come!  Let me know if you have any ideas!  Fun and cheap ones are the best :-) !

Stay tuned for the 60-day adventure :-)


Sunday, March 13, 2016

veggie and fruit cleanse - day 13

Today is day 13 of my veggie and fruit cleanse for the month of March.  What a great way to transition from my 6-0 year to my 6-1 year, which will start next month on the 12th!

Ideally the veggies on this cleanse are eatten raw to savor and max the nutrients to my body.  And allow the body to be nourished while spending its energy on clearing out toxins versus digesting.  Not being rigid though with the 'raw' part.  Today it is rainy out and I feel like some hot soup.  So I am having a delish veggie soup.  The soup is slightly steamed brocolli, carrots, parsips, scallion, garlic, ginger that is VItamix-ed with salt and pepper and then served with some of the veggies cut-up.  I have done cleanses before.  Different ones just to see what I notice.  And I have to say this one.  Well, for the past 5 or so years, I noticed a low-low-low level of fatigue.  I am retired now so not a problem to take a nap in the afternoon.  Or call in sick :-). I got used to it.  What I notice with this cleanse is that I do not notice the low-low-low level of fatigue.  SOOOOOO, I am enjoying this....and this soup!  Also not being rigid on only fruit and veggies.  Have been putting chia, flax, or hemp seeds in my smoothies.  And eating nuts.

Now for dessert...fruit salad here I come!  Love my monkey bowl :-). Thank you June!

What's different also with this cleanse is I am eating a lot of fruit.  More than I usually eat.

 ¡Buen Provenco!