Sunday, September 19, 2010

14 to 20 July 2010...Wales -- Aberystwyth

Well, today is giovedi, 7 ottobre 2010, 10:48 pm...

Taking the time to fill in the gap between 14 July…when I was in Oare, England s..l..o..w..l..y moving around..after I somehow threw my lower back out of balance that day..until I arrived in Napoli, Italia on 27 August.

Anywho, as the ole saying goes "hindsight is always 20/20". And so it is for as I look back, being in the all the places for those 14 days after the Martinsell Centre (Oare, England) greatly helped me go s..l..o..w. AND that is exactly what I needed (albeit not what I wanted - hey I'm on holiday and lots of things to see & do - HA!)

There I am with five days after the Martinsell Centre (16 to 20 July) and no plans and as importantly to the Queen of Sleep (moi!) -- no place to sleep.

Where to go? Where to go? The water was calling me since I’d been land-locked for now 13 days. I casually asked the massage therapist I saw in Marlborough on 13 July where she would go. She quickly responded with a look of longing -- North Wales. Aberaeron. Even though she’d not been there herself, she’d heard it was beautiful. Hmmm, I thought, never been to Wales. And it's on the water. And it's in the general direction of my friend Linda who's expecting me on 21 July). Sounds like a destination. And so began the first of my sit-down-in-front-of-a-computer-and-search-for-a-place-to-sleep-several-days-before-I-am-to-be-there. One where I could easily get to via public transport. Yes, the agony & ecstacy had begun LOL!

And as importantly, MY walkabout had truly begun!

Many hours later (my back was definitely NOT happy), actually more like 48 hours later, I had a place to sleep. And transportation almost booked. Not the Aberaeron I had thought of, Aberystwyth – yes, by the time I left there, I could not only spell the name without looking it up each time, but also pronounce it. LOL LOL

Yup, things happen for the best. For I was still moving pretty slowly and NOT looking forward to the train trip. On the other hand, being by the water was what I wanted. Being by the water always seems to replenish me. Thus finding a place to stay in Aberystwyth worked out since the train stopped there. Whereas Aberaeron was a bus ride from Aberystwyth.

By the end of 16 July, my body, especially my back, was extremely HAPPY, after two train changes, to finally arrive in Aberystwyth AND NOT get on bus! A big Thank You AGAIN to all those wonderful folks who helped me get my bag on and off the train!

Wales is definitely beautiful. Riding the train allows me to en-joy the countryside and whatever interesting things are happening (or not) out the window. There is a wonderful trail along the Welsh coast & includes Aberystwyth. Had I been there longer AND with a back that was well for walking, then it would have been a beautiful hike.

Oh well, it is what it is as Ekhardt Tolle says. Instead, I strolled or sat along the promenade, en-joying the wonderful sound of the waves. AHHHH, HEAVEN on earth for me!

Onward ho to Todmorden for a visit with a dear friend...

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