Sunday, September 19, 2010

Todmorden & Tanfield, England 21 to 31 July AND reminders

I was asked along the way -- what would take me to Todmorden, England? Or Tanfield, England?

Fabulous-os Linda, Jan, Justin!

It’s been 5 years since Linda & I have seen each other. And where she lives is a new place to visit -- she just moved from London to Todmorden (north-east of Manchester, England). Anywho, I stepped off the train. And there was Linda, NOT changed a bit. Her fabulous smile. Her smiling energy. Her lovely quirkiness. All that met & embraced me. And it seemed like yesterday that we’d seen each other. That's what I LOVE about Linda and a lot of my friends. That feeling of having just seen or talked to them, when in chrono-time, it's been ages. Thank you Source for this reminder #1.

We managed to pack in a lot in such a short visit. Lots of cava, eatting, shopping and catch-up conversation. For on 23 July, we two were heading via train to Tanfield in County Durham, England to visit our mutual two friends Jan & Justin. AND in that short visit, it was WONDERFUL to just sit and chat about all sorts of things. Besides my back really appreciated the rest. Drink cava. Eat. Get caught up. Shop - the kyanite pendant I'm wearing now is a fab reminder of my fab visit with Linda. Yes, this walkabout is re-inforcing in me what is important in my life. Friends – definitely! Bubbly – definitely! Vegetables – definitely! Thank you Source for reminder #2.

Which brings me to Tanfield, England...Jan & Justin! Being at their loving home from 23 to 31 July was EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you Source! For my back still was not happy. So between a chiro visit and just relaxing at their home, my entire being was ready to continue my walkabout.

I still hear Jan now...wanting to have more time to take me sight-seeing, yet needing to attend to her work. And Justin not feeling well before and while I was there. It is what it is AND all was what it needed to be for Justin and I to get our well-being nurtured and nourished. And Jan to get her work completed.

Ah, speaking of nourished! I took FULL advantage of Jan & Justin's invite to their icebox. Each day was an foraging adventure to see what veggies I could take out and turn into breakfast or lunch. Breakfast for me is a protein and a veggie. So I knew on this walkabout, I would be challenged at breakfast time as veggies are a-typical breakfast foods. My host and hostess were often amused at my foraging and what I would come up with. I LOVE THIS! Thank you Source for reminder #3 - enjoy what you love while you have it for there will be times when you don't have it! Like veggies! Or a bathtub!

Visiting with Jan & Justin also seemed like it was yesterday. Although I saw them last year when they were in San Francisco and we had dinner. I love how we each take each other as we are - warts and all! Going with the flow of the moment. Holding the space for each other. Reminder #4 - sometimes just being with another person is what each of you needs - no words, no fixes, just being.

Aside from my visit with my fabulous-o friends. Hmm what do I remember?
The garden centers. These are NOT the garden centers I've been to in America where all they sell is garden stuff. Oh NO! Jan needed something so I went with her to one. And voila, a place to eat. Clothing. Luggage. Cards. Food products. Dishes. WOW, I just enjoyed wandering about to see what was there.

Also a theme forming...a momento purchased in each place I visited! I was introduced to Desigual designs in Aberystwyth - one coat in a small store there. The next time was in Newcastle near Tanfield, where the department store had a Desigual department. With the aid and subtle prompting of Jan on two occasions, Lady Blue Coat is traveling with me! And as I was to learn on this walkabout, sychronicities abound! For Desigual translates from Spanish to English as UNEQUAL which certainly describes each of us (and moi!). Plus Lady Blue Coat loves me! And I love her! And a friend once told me that both you and the clothing need to choose each other! Plus this saying embroderied in a corner of the coat definitely speaks to me in general: cazador de adventuras!

Onward ho...

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