Sunday, September 19, 2010

things when I need them

Have been noticing on this I happen upon things as I need them. And ask for them. Thank You Source!

Such as...

The chiropractor. First in Aberstywyth, Wales – the only one was two doors down from the natural foods store where I inquired to see if they knew of a chiropractor in town. And in Tanfield, England, there was one less than a mile from where my friends lived.

The fleece shirt. It was getting cool in Oare, England. And since it seemed I was being guided towards Scotland, I thought I have all these great fleece shirts...AT HOME...NOT HERE. Please let me NOT pay an arm & a leg for something. The local store in Marlborough was having a sale and voila, a fleece shirt in my size. AND it was buy-one-get-the-second-free.

The packable waterproof rain jacket. The one item on my packing list that I forgot to pack LOL - how did that happen? The one at home does me no good here LOL. So I happened down this one street in Aberystwyth. There was this multi-purpose store with no store display windows. So I wandered in and, YUP, you got it, in the corner was a huge selection of raingear AND a GREAT sale on all sorts of rain jackets. Found one in my size. AND at a fabulous-o low price.

Wonderful weather. Thank You Source for all the wonderful weather I’ve had given the various locations I've been to thus far.

WCs. Thank You Source especially for this.

The Italian Intensive course that started on the day I called the school.

The umbrella. It was starting to rain in Napoli one day. AND, you guessed it, my umbrella was at the hotel (quite a distance away). Voila, I was near a shop where the week before I saw a fun umbrella for 2 euro, yet decided at that time--I have lots of umbrellas, why get another. Now I have another fun umbrella LOL LOL! Source, you're too funny!

And YES, there are those times when I needed something, like internet access, and did NOT find it. Those ARGHH! times. LOL LOL, yet focusing on my have-nots is not as productive as focusing on my haves. Besides I love living this saying of mine..."Awareness is a great teacher!"

Luce & Baci & Abbracci & Amore!

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