Sunday, September 19, 2010

Todmorden & Tanfield, England 21 to 31 July AND reminders

I was asked along the way -- what would take me to Todmorden, England? Or Tanfield, England?

Fabulous-os Linda, Jan, Justin!

It’s been 5 years since Linda & I have seen each other. And where she lives is a new place to visit -- she just moved from London to Todmorden (north-east of Manchester, England). Anywho, I stepped off the train. And there was Linda, NOT changed a bit. Her fabulous smile. Her smiling energy. Her lovely quirkiness. All that met & embraced me. And it seemed like yesterday that we’d seen each other. That's what I LOVE about Linda and a lot of my friends. That feeling of having just seen or talked to them, when in chrono-time, it's been ages. Thank you Source for this reminder #1.

We managed to pack in a lot in such a short visit. Lots of cava, eatting, shopping and catch-up conversation. For on 23 July, we two were heading via train to Tanfield in County Durham, England to visit our mutual two friends Jan & Justin. AND in that short visit, it was WONDERFUL to just sit and chat about all sorts of things. Besides my back really appreciated the rest. Drink cava. Eat. Get caught up. Shop - the kyanite pendant I'm wearing now is a fab reminder of my fab visit with Linda. Yes, this walkabout is re-inforcing in me what is important in my life. Friends – definitely! Bubbly – definitely! Vegetables – definitely! Thank you Source for reminder #2.

Which brings me to Tanfield, England...Jan & Justin! Being at their loving home from 23 to 31 July was EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you Source! For my back still was not happy. So between a chiro visit and just relaxing at their home, my entire being was ready to continue my walkabout.

I still hear Jan now...wanting to have more time to take me sight-seeing, yet needing to attend to her work. And Justin not feeling well before and while I was there. It is what it is AND all was what it needed to be for Justin and I to get our well-being nurtured and nourished. And Jan to get her work completed.

Ah, speaking of nourished! I took FULL advantage of Jan & Justin's invite to their icebox. Each day was an foraging adventure to see what veggies I could take out and turn into breakfast or lunch. Breakfast for me is a protein and a veggie. So I knew on this walkabout, I would be challenged at breakfast time as veggies are a-typical breakfast foods. My host and hostess were often amused at my foraging and what I would come up with. I LOVE THIS! Thank you Source for reminder #3 - enjoy what you love while you have it for there will be times when you don't have it! Like veggies! Or a bathtub!

Visiting with Jan & Justin also seemed like it was yesterday. Although I saw them last year when they were in San Francisco and we had dinner. I love how we each take each other as we are - warts and all! Going with the flow of the moment. Holding the space for each other. Reminder #4 - sometimes just being with another person is what each of you needs - no words, no fixes, just being.

Aside from my visit with my fabulous-o friends. Hmm what do I remember?
The garden centers. These are NOT the garden centers I've been to in America where all they sell is garden stuff. Oh NO! Jan needed something so I went with her to one. And voila, a place to eat. Clothing. Luggage. Cards. Food products. Dishes. WOW, I just enjoyed wandering about to see what was there.

Also a theme forming...a momento purchased in each place I visited! I was introduced to Desigual designs in Aberystwyth - one coat in a small store there. The next time was in Newcastle near Tanfield, where the department store had a Desigual department. With the aid and subtle prompting of Jan on two occasions, Lady Blue Coat is traveling with me! And as I was to learn on this walkabout, sychronicities abound! For Desigual translates from Spanish to English as UNEQUAL which certainly describes each of us (and moi!). Plus Lady Blue Coat loves me! And I love her! And a friend once told me that both you and the clothing need to choose each other! Plus this saying embroderied in a corner of the coat definitely speaks to me in general: cazador de adventuras!

Onward ho...

things when I need them

Have been noticing on this I happen upon things as I need them. And ask for them. Thank You Source!

Such as...

The chiropractor. First in Aberstywyth, Wales – the only one was two doors down from the natural foods store where I inquired to see if they knew of a chiropractor in town. And in Tanfield, England, there was one less than a mile from where my friends lived.

The fleece shirt. It was getting cool in Oare, England. And since it seemed I was being guided towards Scotland, I thought I have all these great fleece shirts...AT HOME...NOT HERE. Please let me NOT pay an arm & a leg for something. The local store in Marlborough was having a sale and voila, a fleece shirt in my size. AND it was buy-one-get-the-second-free.

The packable waterproof rain jacket. The one item on my packing list that I forgot to pack LOL - how did that happen? The one at home does me no good here LOL. So I happened down this one street in Aberystwyth. There was this multi-purpose store with no store display windows. So I wandered in and, YUP, you got it, in the corner was a huge selection of raingear AND a GREAT sale on all sorts of rain jackets. Found one in my size. AND at a fabulous-o low price.

Wonderful weather. Thank You Source for all the wonderful weather I’ve had given the various locations I've been to thus far.

WCs. Thank You Source especially for this.

The Italian Intensive course that started on the day I called the school.

The umbrella. It was starting to rain in Napoli one day. AND, you guessed it, my umbrella was at the hotel (quite a distance away). Voila, I was near a shop where the week before I saw a fun umbrella for 2 euro, yet decided at that time--I have lots of umbrellas, why get another. Now I have another fun umbrella LOL LOL! Source, you're too funny!

And YES, there are those times when I needed something, like internet access, and did NOT find it. Those ARGHH! times. LOL LOL, yet focusing on my have-nots is not as productive as focusing on my haves. Besides I love living this saying of mine..."Awareness is a great teacher!"

Luce & Baci & Abbracci & Amore!

14 to 20 July 2010...Wales -- Aberystwyth

Well, today is giovedi, 7 ottobre 2010, 10:48 pm...

Taking the time to fill in the gap between 14 July…when I was in Oare, England s..l..o..w..l..y moving around..after I somehow threw my lower back out of balance that day..until I arrived in Napoli, Italia on 27 August.

Anywho, as the ole saying goes "hindsight is always 20/20". And so it is for as I look back, being in the all the places for those 14 days after the Martinsell Centre (Oare, England) greatly helped me go s..l..o..w. AND that is exactly what I needed (albeit not what I wanted - hey I'm on holiday and lots of things to see & do - HA!)

There I am with five days after the Martinsell Centre (16 to 20 July) and no plans and as importantly to the Queen of Sleep (moi!) -- no place to sleep.

Where to go? Where to go? The water was calling me since I’d been land-locked for now 13 days. I casually asked the massage therapist I saw in Marlborough on 13 July where she would go. She quickly responded with a look of longing -- North Wales. Aberaeron. Even though she’d not been there herself, she’d heard it was beautiful. Hmmm, I thought, never been to Wales. And it's on the water. And it's in the general direction of my friend Linda who's expecting me on 21 July). Sounds like a destination. And so began the first of my sit-down-in-front-of-a-computer-and-search-for-a-place-to-sleep-several-days-before-I-am-to-be-there. One where I could easily get to via public transport. Yes, the agony & ecstacy had begun LOL!

And as importantly, MY walkabout had truly begun!

Many hours later (my back was definitely NOT happy), actually more like 48 hours later, I had a place to sleep. And transportation almost booked. Not the Aberaeron I had thought of, Aberystwyth – yes, by the time I left there, I could not only spell the name without looking it up each time, but also pronounce it. LOL LOL

Yup, things happen for the best. For I was still moving pretty slowly and NOT looking forward to the train trip. On the other hand, being by the water was what I wanted. Being by the water always seems to replenish me. Thus finding a place to stay in Aberystwyth worked out since the train stopped there. Whereas Aberaeron was a bus ride from Aberystwyth.

By the end of 16 July, my body, especially my back, was extremely HAPPY, after two train changes, to finally arrive in Aberystwyth AND NOT get on bus! A big Thank You AGAIN to all those wonderful folks who helped me get my bag on and off the train!

Wales is definitely beautiful. Riding the train allows me to en-joy the countryside and whatever interesting things are happening (or not) out the window. There is a wonderful trail along the Welsh coast & includes Aberystwyth. Had I been there longer AND with a back that was well for walking, then it would have been a beautiful hike.

Oh well, it is what it is as Ekhardt Tolle says. Instead, I strolled or sat along the promenade, en-joying the wonderful sound of the waves. AHHHH, HEAVEN on earth for me!

Onward ho to Todmorden for a visit with a dear friend...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

3 Settembre 2010 - le foto di gruppo della classe

Learn something new each day my mother would tell me.

And voila...Google Translate is pretty darn handy if you have something to translate into your first language.

In my case, below is what Google Translate gave me in Italian so I could e-mail the 3 Settembre group photo to my classmates. One is Russian and knows English - piccolo... WOW, what courage she has! And finally some photos from me LOL LOL...

I wish I could capture the fabulous expressions of each of my classmates and 2 insegnanti (teachers). Priceless..funny..great as we learn Italian grammar and practice pronunciation/conversation for four hours daily -- lunedi to venerdi. And Ray's favorite - verbi irregulari. And what a work-out as I'm ready for pranzo after class.

Yes...for inquiring minds who want to know spontaneous enrollment in a one week Italian intensive language class. WOW, has it been three weeks already. Turned into me completing the full four week course. Thus continue to be in Napoli. Now in a self-catering appartemento in the Quartieri Spagnoli. Lively. Noisy. Interesting. Great to hear the language and use it. What fun that has been.

Will at some point fill in the gap between Oare, England 16 July and today...a dimani...

Baci & Abbracci for now!


Ecco le foto di gruppo della classe.

Tanto divertimento riunione ognuno di voi. Grazie a ciascuno di voi per fare il divertimento di classe.

Trust Olga tornò in Russia in modo sicuro. Meglio Lydia con i suoi studi di lingua italiana presso l'università. Felice per l'insegnamento Bretagna con i suoi studenti italiani. Buona fortuna con il tuo Yuki test TOEFL.

Si prega di rimanere in contatto. E se qualcuno vuole visitare San Francisco, hai un posto dove stare.