Monday, August 31, 2009


Monday, August 31, 2009 11:52 am

Well, noticing how my morning pages flow into the random cards selected after I complete my morning pages. So thought I would share my cards randomly drawn this morning. Each one supports a different part of me: the healing part, the self-care part, the child part, the spiritual part, the power part, mother feminine within part. And recently I added in a thought provoking card deck for the stretching beyond the comfort zone part.

Here’s what showed up today (and it’s right on target for where I find myself NOW - there's that synchronicity again - LOVE IT!)……

Decisions. Honor your top priorities. If it’s not an absolute Yes, this is a No. Cheryl Richardson’s Self-Care cards.

I cross all bridges with joy & ease. The “old” unfolds into wonderful new experiences. My life gets better all the time. I am safe for it’s only change. Louise Hay’s Power Thoughts cards.

All suffering stems from ignorance, hatred, craving. Healing requires you admist the truth about yourself. Is there someone you hate? Or something you crave? Are you an addict? Recognizing your struggles is the first step towards healing. Carolyn Myss Healing Cards.

I am Happy. I smile, I laugh, and enjoy being alive. Susan Howson For Kids – Manifest Your Magnificence cards.

Today, I practice humility. Amma spiritual cards.

When others are interpreting, analyzing, advising, or directing you. They really are connunicating what they believe would be appropriate for themselves were they in your situation. Remember this, if you chose to hear their voices. Remember too that in the deep knowing place inside you, you are the world’s only and best authority on you. Practice listening inwardly instead of outwardly. Robyn Posin Feminine and Mother Within cards.

We respect people who are not afraid to stand-up for their beliefs. What do you believe in….and would you stand up for it? LifeBite cards. What I wrote was this: I believe in ME and would I stand up for ME! Yes and No. This is a good question to pose to me at this time. Since I am in the midst of believing in me 100& and completely. AND standing up for ME.

Onward ho to fun, living, joy! Each of us deserves all the endless abundance there is!

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