Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Wednesday, 21 October 2009 10:21 A.M.

Well, it's been a while since my last post. All the good days makes the bad one (like today) seem non-existent. Funny how that is! That one rotten apple can spoil the entire bushel of good ones! What is it in me/us that is so quick to look or seek the negative when in fact there are tons of positives. That said, how did I get to today....well, I decided that since I rested my inflamed toe joint/ball of my foot on Monday, that yesterday entitled us to go get a glucose screening and walk about a while. This is despite the toe joint/ball of my foot protesting. So all last night, sleep was distrupted because, yup, you guessed it - my toe joint/ball of my foot was not comfortable. So now, she's elevated. And soon to get another icing. And all's happy. That meant whatever I wanted to do that would have entailed me going out, walking, standing, etc, is out the door now. And she is telling me now - that gives you loads of time to catch on all those things that you can do while sitting. Or lying down. Thus the blogging.

So, how am I these day? Well, I am moving through my seventh month of consecutive well-being. Amazing what our systems will do when given time and nourishment. Saying no to the usual medications and quick fixes in hindsight is/was the right choice, just takes lots of courage & patience since healing is a process that can take as long as it takes. Cannot be hurried. Goes deep below the surface.

Case in point....went to see a rolfing/cranial sacral practioner. She's also a Dancing with Source student so I was curious how she is integrating that learning into her practice. You know me - ever curious about integrating what we learn into our being! Plus had been wanting help since it seemed my range of motion in both shoulders was returning, yet both shoulders seems to be holding on and resisting. This was despite physical and energetic work to-date. Well during the first session, she was gently holding my arm, when I mentioned to the practioner about the two falls I had on my left side this past June - both within 7 days of each other. Both of us felt the muscle inside immediately release and relax. And the session last week, I specifically wanted to release anything related to a traumatic water incident I had two years ago where my right side was involved. That was last Friday. And today, well, both shoulders feel more relaxed. And the range of motion is much better.

Otherwise, it's ok to have a yuk day! YUK YUK YUK! This way the yuk-ness moves through our systems and out. For resisting it, denying it, only causes it to get absorbed into our system. And once absorbed, believe you me, it takes identifying it, which ain't always easy. Then asking it to leave.

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