Thursday, August 20, 2009


Thursday, 20 August 2009 11:47 pm

WOW! Yes things can change in a moment.

As I reflect back on my last two days, I am grateful, blessed, not alone, happy!

On Tues, while I was typing my blog entry, I suddenly got nauseated and headachy, so I laid down and became very cold and goosebumpy (even under a warm comforter). Asked Source, Archangels, Ascended Masters like Buddha, Quan Yin, Christ, for help in clearing whatever had suddenly brought on these physical symptoms as there certainly was no physical reasons. Anywho, definitely was not well. Feel asleep & woke up in time to make the Dancing with Source 5:45 pm meditation call, yet did it lying on my couch. The meditation was helpful. Then I was to be on a healing circle call, so planned to get on the call and bow out, yet a voice within said no, show up. So then I explained what was going on with me. And the space was disorganized. And finally one woman said she felt disconnected. And then I heard a voice that said check that you're supposed to be dowsing. And it turns out I was supposed to show up just not dowse. So once I did that, the space cleared and things flowed. The healing circle helped also. Yet my own conversations and relationship with Source, the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters is as important. So I asked for help while I was sleeping. And when I woke up @ 7 am, I definitely felt much better yet there still was this fuzzy headachy feeling. So I curled up and asked for more healing processes to be performed. Feel asleep and when I awoke @ 10 am, I was weak, yet felt peaceful. Greatful. My conversations often come through my journaling so when I was journaling, Source said rest, drink lots of water, go get a juice from Juicey Lucy's, and go to the ORSC gathering tonight. And I said are you sure? I'm so weak. Yes. OK. And today I am okay physically.

And what activated the sudden physical symptoms? Something in my blog from Tues definitely did. And I see now it was a challenge to see how I would be with my physical symptoms. Would I go into the identifying, rationalizing, negating all the physical reasons (and totally step over the emotional, energetic, spiritual reasons). Or would I go with using the energetic healing processes I had learned and support all of me.

Plus my relationship with Source/God wasn't like it is today. It's taken my illness to re-connect (or connect) with the things that nourish, nurture, support me. Now. If not now, then when? And one of those things is my relationship with Source. Yes, there is me. There is Source. There is our relationship. What did the Nina/Source relationship feel like before my illness? There and distant. And now? There and close.

Thank you my friends!

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