Monday, April 13, 2015

Feliz Mi Cumpleaños! continues.....part 2

It is such a beautiful day out and I have no plans except to en-joy the day.

Melissa and I meet up for a walk and no plans!  Well almost no plans as I want to return empty honey jars to the beekeeper at the Sunday Fort Mason Farmer's Market.  So a-walking there we go!

Oops no photos of the usual beautiful walk along The Bay or the Farmer's Market.  We are so darned blessed to have convenient access to all this beauty!!!  We came across another friend of mine who was also heading to the Farmer's Market so we three chatted as we walked.

YUMM...local honey...this one from San Bruno keep allergies at bay :-)

This Farmer's Market is just the right size for me because it is rarely crowded.  Meanwhile Melissa has an entré into the Vintners Market which is going on at Fort Mason.  So next stop is two minutes walking from the Farmer's Market!  I LOVE IT when I have no plans and Source provides things to see and do!!

This is overwhelming because it is wall to wall wineries tasting and selling!  Lucky for us we arrived as they opened so woohoo, minimal crowd...unlike now :-)

And it was FUN to just wander and wonder where all these wineries (that I had not heard of before) are located!!  And local Bay Area distillers were represented as well.

Often the labeling is fun...,

And then there was the photo booth :-)

And I am all about food before imbibing so there was a food truck out front.  With sliders while we sun & eat!

And Melissa sees a friend from our neighborhood.....

And I practice with my selfie stick.  Thank you June for recommending this one to try! It's a breeze to use!  I need to practice :-)

Mission accomplished!  Fun on my birthday!  Or any day for that matter!

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