Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Next Theme....

Well it is Saturday, 10 August 2013 and reflecting..

Lots of changes for me in the past months.  Past weeks.

From holding an intention to live together at the beginning of the year to actually living together.  Tom, his dog Benny, and I are now living together in what was once my home, now our home.  That happened after July 4th.  Very happy!  Excited!  Scared!  Yet All Good because this is a growing, evolving edge for me - living with a partner (for the first time).

And now here is it August and Tom is emptying his place of his belongings because his lease expires August-end.  We're deciding what comes here.  What goes to "another home" by way of Salvation Army or Goodwill.  And Tom is being sensitive, thoughtful about what comes into the emotional, energetic, physical space that I have cleared for living together with a partner.  All Good!  Feels loving, loved, co-mingling.  And clear spaces are now staging areas as we re-configure our space.  I can tell I am a visual person as the sight of things in the music/meditation room (albeit, temporarily the staging area) has me want to clear and clean.  And find "homes" in our home for these items.  All Good.

And closet to be transformed with the help of Elfa and Container Store installers so Tom has a place to hang his clothes.  Which means I need to clear that closet :-) of items that no longer serve me now.  Feels fun to figure this out with the help of Tom and the Container Store folks.  And will be great to get his clothes off the portable clothes racks in the staging area into their new "home".

A bedroom window and a living room window won't open.  And cannot be fixed, only replaced.  So I am in the midst of talking to contractors and getting bids for replacing my windows.  Before I would have put this repair off and made-do.  Now I understand the value of having things that function well - makes life ease, easy, flow.

The bathtub needs re-caulking and re-sealing as well.  Yet another topic to discuss with contractors to get a bid.

A theme is showing up.  And fits into a book that someone from my Hoarding class and part of my Clearing Cohort recommended yesterday (Organization Isn't Enough, SHED You Stuff, Change Your Life by Julie Morgenstern),  And specifically, the author's definition of clutter "any obsolete object, space, commitment, or behavior that weighs you down, distracts you, or depletes your energy."  page 36.

Yes....the theme is I am shedding any obsolete object, space, commitment, or behavior (and a friend added 'person") that weighs me down, distracts me, or depletes my energy...from being who I

I realize that my intention is....I want to be light!  Mobile!  Free!  I want the feeling I had while walking El Camino!  Light, mobile, free.

And thus the Universe continues to provide me with opportunities to let go of "any obsolete object, space, commitment, or behavior that weighs me down, distracts me, or depletes my energy." from that theme, that intention, that feeling.

Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

Here's knowing you, too, will let go of "any obsolete object, space, commitment, or behavior that weighs you down, distracts you, or depletes your energy." from how you want to

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