Thursday, July 25, 2013

Synchronicisty Abounds!

25 July 2013....

Synchronicisty abounds!

I awoke exhausted this morning and was just going to blow off my practices (or structures as the e-mail below calls them).  Recovering from yesterday's activities felt like awe-some reasons to do that.  Benny the dog had a sick stomach from 4 to 7 a.m.  His wretching awoke me and I was the clean-up person.  Two-hour afternoon discussion with my financial advisor.  After that one hour discussion with my partner about finances and co-habitating.  Tired before 9 pm as I lay in a warm Epson salt bath laced with lavender and eucalyptus essential oils.

Yet as I thought of those activities...a tiny still voice said...get up and do your morning pages.  No I am tired I said to myself.  I deserve to rest today.  I don't have to be anywhere until 4 pm so I am going to go back to sleep.  Get up and do your morning pages repeated the tiny still voice.

So I FINALLY did...  And as my pen flowed, capturing the un-edited download from my mind, my brain, my fill three letter sized felt good.  To get all that stuff out of me.  To notice what I notice.  Yes...clearing takes place at all levels.  For hoarding and cluttering does not occur just with physical items :-)

And 30 or so minutes later...still exhausted  yet feeling lighter on my interior, I am poised for my next best thing as Gloria V would say.

I have not been paying much attention to my e-mails, so I opened my e-mail folder.  And scanned the Subject lines for only inspiration.  I hear Brother David saying to David Whyte -- the antidote to exhaustion is whole-heartedness.  VOILA...see the e-mail at the bottom of this blog!  And view this fabulous reminder in this TED talk by Kathleen Taylor.

In reading Gloria V's daily thought and viewing the TED talk.....I synchronistic Source!  My morning pages noted the various ways I daily practice self!  How I am being in this world!  And the e-mail and the TED talk told me I am on the right path for me.

My daily practices or structures are important because I am worth it.  From morning pages to eatting from my best dishes to preparing myself healthy food that visually looks and tastes great to walking outside to exploring The City to checking out food at a new Happy Hour to being with folks who are also nurturing themselves to seeking inspiration to saying thank you for every little thing.  And the list goes on.  Makes feeling exhausted aok.  And part of being human.

Cheers to whatever you nourish and nurture you!  You are very, very worth it!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gloria Valoris <>
Date: July 25, 2013, 8:56:19 AM PDT
Subject: Thought for the Day

 “Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night."      William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
When we were talking about secure versus insecure thinking at the meeting on Sunday, one of the items that came up as a necessity for secure thinking is feeling in control of your own behavior. When you don't feel that you could direct your behavior in constructive ways, it undermines feeling secure in many other areas as well. One of the most powerful tools for being able to control your behavior is to create a structure for your activities that make doing various positive actions at set times a fairly automatic process.
If your life currently has no identifiable pattern, you will likely find that the easiest place to begin to create structure is establishing a routine for going to bed at some optimal time (usually around 10 or 11 for greatest biorhythm benefit). Action such as getting into your pajamas an hour or two before your bedtime, brushing your teeth, and wrapping up whatever activities you were engaged in earlier in the evening help to get you in the mindset to fall asleep at the most appropriate time. Once you have established the pattern of going to bed at a regular time, other good habits become easier to establish.
REMEMBER: Gratitude for the small things in life that go right helps to increase the number of bigger things that go right.

Gloria Valoris
Optimal Organizations - Helping small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals Thrive!
The 3rd edition of Overcome Hoarding and Transform Your Life: How to Choose Hope and Life Instead of Things  and the 2nd edition of Making Life Easier: Simple Systems to Manage Your Things, Time, Money, and Life - Painlessly!
are available now. Orders for both accepted by email.
Visit me on the web at

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