Sunday, June 7, 2009


Sunday, 7 June 2009 12:46 am PDT

Be mindful what you ask for! When I became ill during August 2007, I kept asking doctors what caused the diagnoses that each gave me. Source was also listening. So while doctors pointed me towards fixes, etc. I held out--searching for causes not just on the physical plane......beyond.

I'm not just a pack-rat (recovering as I LOL) with my home stuff, also within. As I reflect on the past 2 years, the cause of my physical stuff was a lot of stuff I held onto within. Sometimes consciously, alot of times unconsciously, sometimes my stuff, other times stuff absorbed from others. And the body is very wise, within said "We've had it! Enough is enough! OUT! NOW! For if not NOW, when?" Within says this through our lifetime, we just deny, ignore, dismiss, avoid, until we can no longer stand the pain of doing so. And in my case, my time came August 2007.

Happy to say, I continue to cleanse, clear a lot of stuff. Kinda like eatting. The body nourishes and eliminates what it does not need or want. And for stuff beyond the physical, we each use processes, tools, exercises that nourish and eliminate what is not needed or wanted. For me, being in nature, walking along the ocean or any body of water, noticing my breathe, writing, using the processes and tools garnered from my experiences (Dancing with Source, ORSC, coaching, CTI leadership) -- all continue to support me. And keep me connected to Source. To God. To my authentic self.

Thank you (to God)! Thank you (to Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Mother Earth, My Ancestors)! Thank you (to me)!

Oh, how am I? Pretty dang good these days. As Dr. Cantwell said to me "your experience becomes your evidence" and he is right on there. As I cleanse and clear my internal clutter, my physicality has improved. And I know one day, the medical tests will support what I know through and through now, healing the mind & spirit heals the body.

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