Monday, May 29, 2017

en inglés :-)

Hoy es el 29 de mayo de 2017.  And I decided not to write this entry in my blog in Spanish so that all my non-Spanish speaking friends could read it.

This morning I was doing my Morning Pages and looking out the window.  How grateful am I to be able to see this.  And experience it.  Here.  Now.

And now reflecting on my camino, that began the moment I decided to go to Madrid and participate in the 3-month City College Spanish language study abroad program.

My Morning Pages were filled with things to do.  Not here and now.  In the next ten days.  What I notice as I write the Morning Pages -- how easily my thoughts can jump over the present and into the future.

Or in this moment, how easily it is for me to focus on what is going not-well for me.  My left arm, forearm, wrist tell me as I move them, that they are in pain.  Icing, massage, ibuprofen is no longer working so when I return to San Francisco....will see the doctor and go from there.

There are other ítems as well that pul at me..these take me away from the present moment. And so I will end this go out and enjoy the day.

Oh yes....stay tuned for more photos in my blog once I figure out how to upload a bunch at one time versus one at a time.  And after I can login to my laptop since I believe I can upload a bunch at one time there versus on the Blogger mobile app.

Somehow my login password no longer works so another item to attend to once I return to San Francisco :-)

¡Buen Camino!

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