Monday, May 9, 2016

ascorbic acid aka vitamin C

May 9 and Day 39 of my 60 days of celebrating the transition from my 6-0 birthday into my 6-1 years of living.

A friend yesterday told me about this free 30-minute clip of a documentary (link below) where she learned about the benefits of ascorbic acid aka vitamin C.  She's been using ascorbic acid powder for about 4 months and definitely noticed a difference in her particular health symptoms and circumstances.

I am ever reading about or looking into non-conventional medical methods for treating or preventing disease/illness that have proven successful for people.  With my past health symptoms and circumstances, I believe in balancing conventional with non-conventional.

And I believe in sychronicities.
--My friend today telling me about this 30-minute movie and her experience with taking water with L-ascorbic acid powder dissolved in it at breakfast, lunch, and dinner-time.
--Earlier in the week another friend with cancer e-mailing about her progress with a new MD and a new protocol since beginning of this year, that includes liposomal ascorbic acid.
--I just finished a book by Norman Cousins "Anatomy of an illness as perceived by the patient" who used laughter to heal his symptoms.  And in reading the book, I learned he also used intravenous ascorbic acid after he read various research papers.
--My food choices are relatively good.  And I did not eat fruit on a daily basis (until I did my raw fruit and raw veggie cleanse in March).  The first day of the fruit and veggie cleanse, I noticed that my low, low, low, low level of fatigue was gone.  Makes sense today - fruits have ascorbic acid (among other nutrients).

So I am most definitely having lots of my daily fruits (and veggies).  Plus taking 1 gram of L-ascorbic acid powder daily at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to see if that helps the wrist pain I sometimes have in either or both wrists.  And reading up more on ascorbic acid :-)

Here's to your well-being!

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