Friday, September 18, 2015

Undesired Outcomes....

....."undesired outcomes that offer a learning experience"....

.....I came across these words in reading this morning.  And smiled knowly, as I resonated with them.  As well as with those times when undesired outcomes caused me to think (operative word...think) I am a failure.  Or that I made a mistake.  Instead of causing me to learn.  All good, because as I am reminded as I learn espaƱol, mistakes and failures are all part and parcel to the learning process.  They show me what I do know and what I do not know.  They guide me to be comfortable with mistakes and failures.  And to be kind in word and deed with myself when I make a mistake or fail.  For in doing so, I will be kind in word and deed with others when he/she makes a mistake or fails.

All Good!

May you see the learning in the undesired outcomes that come your way today.....

Sunday, September 6, 2015

change in routine...

Yes...I encourage myself and others to take time.  Two days...30 days...and take a break from the daily routine.  The entire daily routine...not just bits of it.  To refresh.  To replenish.  To restore.  To notice what I/you notice.

I notice my appreciation and energy level is different.  Often increases.  I notice I return to the daily routine aware and awake.  Less on auto-pilot.  More on choice.

Yes...I encourage myself and others to balance between routine and taking time away from routine.


P.S.  I looked up the word "routine"....a sequence of actions regularly followed.  And I realize that the first step is to take a break from one sequence of actions that is regularly followed and notice....before diving into taking a break from one's entire daily routine.  All Good!