Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 3 --- check back....

Yes, all it takes is for me to travel outside of the US to humble me.  To show me how much I have access to where I live.  To remind me how "rich" I am...not in financial terms.  To remember the important things in life,

I intended to at least upload photos of my cooking learning adventures while taking the City College culinary study abroad program.  After arriving in Oaxaca de Juarez, I was met with slow upload Internet speeds so nix that idea.  Instead I have been enjoying life without ready or immediate access to Internet.  It's wonderful to sit in the park or walk down the Alcala or be in a restaurant and see folks conversing with each other and not their phone.

I notice my walking pace slowed down.  And yet even here...the pace of workers is fast.  So I am grateful to enjoy a slow pace....here and at home.  To be like this cat...resting :-)

All Good.

Savor Life!!!!!  ¡Buen Provencho!

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