Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 2 of the Oaxaca Cooking Adventure (1 July 2015)

WOW...the sheets of rain coming down as the taxi approached the Houston airport!  Have not seen such since my summer days in VA or NC.

Trusting my standby status on the only daily flight to Oaxaca will clear me a seat on today's flight. And as importantly...the weather permits all flights to come and go without peril!!

Meanwhile...12:30 pm Houston time and a meal after 24 hours of snacking on Trader Joe's rice crackers, handful of nuts, sunflower, & pumpkin seeds, a bite-size Lara bar and a Kind bar.  A liter of water.  Sending thanks again to the lady in the Customer Service line with me, who gave me half a sandwich after I was rebooked.  She had just returned to the line and knew all the airport food places had  just closed.  For once, I traveled without my usual meal :-) in a Lock & Lock container.

And a dose of inspiration while I eat...

GREAT article!!!!!

3 pm Houston time...leisurely lunch and now 2 hours to stroll the airport....

Thankful I carry The Qlipter with me, even around town.  For times like this as this bathroom stall has no hook...I create my own....

Lots of delays and cancellations announced over the airport PA system.  I feel for those in the long Customer Service line.

6 pm Houston time...decide to eat healthier for dinner :-)

6:13 pm departure to Oaxaca delayed an hour.  That keeps changing.  First it was 2 hours.  WOO HOO....I am first on the standby list.

YAHOOOO...thank you Source...I am on today's flight!!!!  Now Weather departure and arrival for all here including our flight!

I love repurposing.  They made serving glasses by cutting off the top of a wine bottle.  ¡Salud!

I guess the original 2 hour delay was accurate.  Meanwhile...yet another example of using The Qlipter--when the hook is on its last screw and looks rather dubious that it would hold much weight :-) Love The Qlipter!

We have lift-off.  Photo does not do the moon justice...

12:30 a.m. Villa de Campo.  Night All!  Happy I paid the single supplement to room solo!!!!!

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